A Game Of Thrones- George R.R Martin

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Game of Thrones is the first book in the A Song Of Ice and Fire series. I read it as part of the TBR Pile Challenge.

Synopsis (from amazon)

Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun.

It will stretch from the south, where heat breeds plot, lusts and intrigues; to the vast and savage eastern lands; all the way to the frozen north, where an 800-foot wall of ice protects the kingdom from the dark forces that lie beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars, lords and honest men… all will play the Game of Thrones.

Winter is coming…


Game of Thrones was one of the books which had been on my to be read (TBR) pile for a long time (years, literally). It was the size of it, partly, and the thought of starting a series, I’d heard that it’s difficult to keep track of the characters, basically it was daunting. So despite the fact that I had heard it was really fantastic, even in my pre-blogging days, well before the TV series was out, and despite wanting to read it before I watch the series, it stayed on my shelf all this time. It probably didn’t help that I don’t actually read that much fantasy (despite my Harry Potter obsession), in fact most of the fantasy I read (including this) is recommended by fellow Harry Potter fans, and I always hope to find something I will love this much.

Game of Thrones was very good. It is certainly epic. It takes some effort to read, and some concentration. The characters can be a little difficult to keep a track of, especially at first, but I found that most of the time I knew who was who and how they related to each other by the end.

I don’t think it was the plot which made Game of Thrones good. There were certain plot elements which did hook me, but mainly I was interested in the characters. There were some great characters. Lots of strong women. My favorite character though was Tyrion. I still can’t quite work him out, and that’s why I like reading him.

The end made me want to read the next straight away I my boyfriend has the whole set so I will be able to, but I decided to have a breather.


Buy it:

Paperback (£4.00)

Kindle (£2.99)

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