A Funny Email and My Husband Thinks I’m a Hoarder

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey friends!  We are half way through the week, isn’t that amazing?? I am now counting down the days until vacation…SO close!!  Anyways, let’s get to chatting shall we?  So, I know I was telling you all how last week was pretty crappy in the workout department but when I got this email from the DailyMile on Monday afternoon I had to laugh, I mean, come on…it was 4 hours from my last workout…how often do they think I should be working out?

I think they need to take a look at their email marketing–I mean, I’d love to be able to work out a few times a day, but it just isn’t feasible!  Anyways…on to more important topics, like how my husband thinks I’m a hoarder.  Seriously, he threw that word around multiple times in reference to me this week.  Let me back up so you get the full picture.

So, on Monday night I was sitting in my closet with clothes strewn all about and I made the mistake of calling my husband into the bedroom to ask him a question.  My question was simple, we have been in our “new” house for just over a year now, and I really want us to put in a closet system like we had in our last house.  You know, those beautiful closet systems with lots of shelves, drawers and sections to hang different kinds of clothing?

Yeah, we had a system in our last house and it was great.  Right now, we have a big walk in closet with one bar on each side and a shelf above (that I can JUST barely reach) each side that runs the length of the closet.  I am not showing you a picture because it truly is a mess.  So, while I am sweating and frustrated from not being able to find the workout top I wanted to run in the next morning, I called to Robyn and told him I wanted to start discussing our closet design.  He looked at me and broke out in laughter telling me that I have a “ton” (his words, not mine) of  space in this walk in closet and he asked why I just can’t stay organized?  I, of course, answered while frantically waving my arms around like a lunatic saying it was because I don’t have any shelves or room to spread my stuff out.  My clothes do not fit in the current layout, they just don’t.  This is where the conversation took a turn.

Robyn started going through all the stuff on my side of the closet telling me what I should throw out.  He has offered many times to organize my closet, but I know that would mean coming home to half of my clothes gone.  I proceeded to justify what was in my closet and then he got me ( a few times).  He reached up overhead and pulled out a pair of roller blades I haven’t used since I was in college, but I just haven’t thrown them away.  I’ve always kept them in case we decided to start rollerblading–it always sounded like a good idea.   I’ll now admit that it sounds ridiculous as I’m typing this and while I never admit it 100% to Robyn,  he’s right.  I have a really, really hard time getting rid of old things. I mean I’m still wearing my instructional soccer t-shirts from when I was five years old!  Oops.  BUT, I have to clarify for you all, I don’t have a lot of stuff,  it’s just I don’t throw the things I do have out. For example, I only have two boxes in our storage area that are from when I was growing up–pictures, etc.  In addition to those two boxes, I have all the clothes in my closet and maybe two other boxes throughout the house of other random things. That’s it!  It’s really not a ton of stuff by any means. The problem is that most of those random things I actually don’t REALLY need,  I’m just holding onto them just in case for some reason I do have a need for them in the future. You know, like that one sweater you’ve never worn but you hold on to just in case there is a day when you need it and you would kick yourself if you got rid of it–please tell me you know what I am talking about!

Anyways, after a Google search over my rollerblades (they aren’t even made anymore,) a lot of laughing and a long conversation of all the things I could get rid of that I never use to make more space in my closet so I could be more organized, we made a deal.  Basically, the deal is that if I can keep my closet as it is currently set up,  organized for one month, Robyn will start discussing the design for the closet I want and put that system in.  For most people, this would sound like a good deal.  However, I’m going to be honest, I always have these grand intentions of cleaning out my closet and keeping it that way.  I do clean it out and re-hang stuff and organize it every few months, but it usually only last a week or so. Usually because I get home from work, I am exhausted and I don’t hang things up properly or  I sloppily throw them somewhere with the intention of doing it later and I never get to it.  This is also why all my workout clothes are piled all over and I keep re-wearing the same things because I wash them and they stay at the top of the pile.

This further proves Robyn’s point that I don’t wear half of my clothes, mainly because I keep re-wearing the stuff that’s clean and on top because it’s easier to find and grab quickly.  However, I am going to try to win this battle of keeping my closet clean and organized for one month.  This means that next week while I’m on vacation, I’m doing a total closet clean out and I’m really going to make an effort to clean out all the things I really haven’t worn the last couple of years and see if I can stick to keeping it all organized for a month so that I can design the closet I want and have him put it in for me.  What do you think, can I do it?


Question of the day

Does anyone else have a hard time getting rid of things?  Ideas for keeping things organized?