A Fun Fact About My Body

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Does anyone else finish a training cycle with their plan looking like this? Yeah, there were just a few adjustments. Mechanical pencils are my favorite writing tool in case you were wondering what my favorite writing tool was.

Not going to sugar coat. Today’s run sucked. It was to be an easy 6 miler after yesterday’s hotter and harder run. There was nothing easy about it. I slept late and started under the blazing sun. I didn’t bring water because…I’m always on the fence with water when it’s only 6 miles. But I should have brought water because  this slacker called myself got up too late.

By mile 4.5 I was all dried up and I really wanted a sip of water. I was just waiting to come upon the water fountain for a bit of relief. As I approached said fountain I noticed a nice pile of puke right beside it. Gross. Yep, no thanks. I mean for God’s sake people, be polite pukers. Do it in the grass or even the street, but not right by my water fountain.

Btw, I am more grossed out by vomit than most people (I have full on emetaphobia for real, yes it is a thing) so I thought about the pile the whole way home, which is not good for my psyche. It's kind of like telling yourself to not think about eating a custard filled donut and all you can do is think about a custard filled donut. I will say, I like custard filled donuts more than puke, though.

One nice and pleasant part about this run was these new shoes.

They are a trail shoe, and I wasn’t really running trails today, but wanted to try them out before Friday’s relay. Result: comfy, light and very very pretty. I like pretty shoes.  Thanks Pearl Izumi for the kicks.

Fun fact: Did you know I am extremely bow-legged? I cannot touch my knees together when I stand. Or my calves.

So, I am at the end of training and ready to suffer. I will be runner #1 on Friday morning and I will cross the start line at 5 a.m. Because no race could ever have you starting at a decent hour. I think it is in the unspoken running rulebook.

Other things in the rule book:

  • The undeniable urge to poop will occur when you are the furthest from any sort of a toilet
  • The moment you get confident about your running and training, you will get injured
  • Someone you know always drives by the minute you decide to walk for just one second
  • Your race pictures will suck and will show you from the most unflattering angle possible
  • Your Garmin will die in the most important race of your life
  • When you bend over to tie your shoe with your ass in the air, a car full of guys will drive by (why do they like a 48 year old ass anyway? Get a life)

What else would you put in the rule book?

Do you have a phobia? What is it? Is it an SUARphobia, fear of this blog? I understand.

Fun fact about your body? I also have matching birth marks on my ass and my stomach.