ofo was launched in June at Peking University as a non-docking bike share scheme. Their bright yellow bikes (which are hard to miss) are available to ride all around the DC area for $1.00 per hour and the first hour is free! Just download the app, unlock the bike and go!
Here's how the app works:
1. Open the app and find all the bikes in your vicinity. All available bikes are marked by a yellow marker.
2. When you’re at the bike, tap the “unlock” button and scan the barcode (or enter the number manually) to automatically unlock the bike.
3. Explore your city and arrive at your destination safely.
4. At your destination, simply park your bike safely and legally, and manually lock it to automatically end the trip.
We found the whole process simple and easy. It was such a fun date-day. We didn't have to lug the bikes around, we didn't have to figure out a way to rent a bike in the city. All we needed was our phone and internet.
Also, as someone who uses the Metro to get from Maryland to D.C. I look forward to using the bike for my everyday appointments and saving money on cabs and getting a little exercise in at the same time.
ofo is built around the spirit of sharing. Explore D.C. with the non-docking shared bikes. Not only is it convenient and easy but you would also be making a positive environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions and congestion in the city through the bike sharing revolution.