Shayne Reed
Do you have any aliases?No
What bands are you actively involved with?Just Almost Honest
What was the first instrument that you played?Acoustic Guitar
Tell me about one of your first musical memories?My earliest memory was taking my dad's acoustic guitar and pretending to play to crowds. Had no idea how to play and it started from there.
What was the name of the first band you were in?Reaching Stellar
Tell me about the genesis of Almost Honest.We started in freshman year of high school. We were all friends prior to forming a band. We knew we wanted to be a loud, high energy metal band but had no idea what that would look like. We all just took our influences and started jamming together. It took many years to actually figure out what the sound of Almost Honest would be.
What inspired the name Almost Honest?To be "honest" wink, I can't quite remember the full origin but I do know we just thought it sounded cool at the time. Only later did we find out it was the name of a Megadeth song because everyone kept telling us.
How long did it take you to write and record Seiches and Sirens?"Seiches and Sirens" did not take long at all for those songs to come together. The real beast was our latest record "The Hex of Penns Woods". From start to finish that record took 2 years.
If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?I really think Clutch would be a blast. Then they have the backing of 2 guitar players and I can just stand more in the back while Neil does his thing.
Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it?If so... What was the song and artist?I have never really felt that way. I get very inspired from songs and sometimes want to capture the same vibe but I have always wanted to be my own thing as an expression of who we are.
Do you have any non rock/metal musical inspirations?To name a few Tyler Childers, Modest Mouse, Sarah Shook & The Disarmers, The Soundtrack to Age of Empires 2 & 3, Simon & Garfunkel, Goodnight Texas, Feng Suave, and I could just keep going.
What's a pop song that you'd like to do a cover of?I don't know if Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz is pop but that's my pick.
What band have you played with that has really impressed you with their live show?I can't just name one so I will have to list a few. Restless Spirit, Toke, The Stone Eye, Revocation, Archspire, Moon Tooth, and Voidhidden.
Do you have a favorite venue to play at?Jb Lovedrafts in Downtown Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
Do you have a pre-show ritual?After I get set up I just like to walk around and clear my head. Usually walk around the block of the venue.
What is your favorite thing about touring?All of the places I get to see that I otherwise never would have gotten to.
What is your least favorite thing about touring?The unknowns for what can go wrong. You know something will but you just don't know what.
Is there a city that you love to hit while on tour?Louisville Kentucky has always been rad to us.
What's the weirdest experience you've had on the road?In Baltimore someone came into the venue with a vacuum cleaner and walked up to the stage and they tried to sell it to me while I was performing. That man is my hero.
Teenage me at that time was listening to HIM, The Sword, and Three Days Grace in my parents basement while playing Halo Reach.
What advice would you give young musicians that are just starting out in the music business?3 important things that I have learned are
Experiment and play the music you want to listen to
Find bandmates that are committed and you get along with rather than them being technically amazing but they are late and you hate them. Those usually always fail.
Be kind to everyone. You are not as big as you think you are. Just treat people the way you want to be treated and just make sure everyone involved with your band enjoys your company.
What is an absolute band killer?EGO. Every single time.
Have you ever recorded a song that you really didn't like, but somebody else in the band really did?Yes. Happens more than you think. I will never say what the songs are or who thinks what about them though haha.
If you were to start your own music festival what would be the name of that festival and who would be the three headlining bands?Keystoned Doom Fest featuring Mutoid Man, Clutch and The Psychedelic Porn Crumpets.
What's the longest time you've gone without bathing?2 days. I need my soap.
For people that only know me from the band they probably don't know that I am a part of a historical society and I am a huge nerd in that regard.
Is the Fistful of DOOM show in the top 10 of your favorite music podcasts?YES
Do unicorns sleep standing up?Well given that this already presupposes the existence of unicorns I am going to go with sleeping while levitating.
Give me three albums that I should listen to immediately, if not sooner.*Psychedelic- Porn Crumpets Fronzoli
*Royal Thunder- Rebuilding The Mountain
*Astrodeath- Vol 2.
You're driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album the whole time.What album will it be?Clutch Self Titled
You are writing a book about your life thus far.What is the title of that book?Shaynslvaynia
I truthfully do not know any haha.
Slipknot or Rammstein (if you had to choose)?Slipknot
Waffles or Pancakes (if you had to pick one)?Pancakes
Star Wars or Star Trek (if you had to choose)?Star Wars
Favorite band t-shirt you own?Jakethehawk. Has a picture of a hoagie on it.
Favorite meal?Can't go wrong with Pizza
Favorite book?The Believing Brain
Favorite movie?The Lighthouse
Favorite album?I could never
Favorite video game?Halo 3/Skyrim
Yuge thanks to Shayne for taking the time to answer my questions.I appreciate you doing so.The rest of you click on the link so generously provided below, and cram Almost Honest's new album The Hex of Penns Woods straight into your ear holes!Excellent song craft, and genuine listening pleasure are but a click away.~El Pedo Caliente (aka Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)