A Fish Named Pes

By Trebeca04

"A Fish Named Pes"
In Spanish the word for a fish in the water is "Pez".
A fish that is out of the water, after being caught is called a "Pescado" (the word pescado literally means 'caught')
This jazzy-snazzy flounder took the name Pes, as a shortened reference to his current state, as a caught fish.
A wooden box that previously held olive oil, is now a caddy for 'Pes', spelled out in vintage, hand cut wooden letters. I stained the background, the letters and the ceramic fish the same paint-stain color. Then I mounted it all in the box that has been covered on the inside in beautiful aqua papers, and overlaid with sewing pattern tissue. A part of a fishing pole, washed up and found on a beach in Aransas Pass, Texas last year embellishes.
A brass drawer pull along the side, finishes the piece.
My apologies for the poor quality of the image, this piece was taken out of the studio and into the gallery before a proper photograph could be taken. . . .  but it is a fun piece.