A Final Diagnosis… Hopefully.

By Erynecarter06

It’s been a long year. But hopefully, after today, I’m finally on the FINAL road to recovery.

The “final”, and it’s in quotes until I’m cleared, is a stress fracture/reaction in my navicular bone (sound familiar?) and a plantar plate ligament injury in my second metatarsal. Essentially, there isn’t an evident fracture in my navicular bone, but they aren’t ruling it out. And since last year when I was first diagnosed, I was non put on non-weight bearing, it didn’t heal. The ligament is essentially stretched out in my plantar plate, so I have to tape it to my big toe to try to repair and shorten the tendon again.

So what does this all mean?

I’m still in a boot. Except now, I have crutches. And a non-weight bearing order for 4 weeks.

I won’t lie. I’m frustrated. And down. And angry. And upset. But, I’m also hopeful. And trying to be optimistic. The new diagnosis with the plantar plate makes sense. The navicular stress reaction makes sense. Especially if they both went undiagnosed or were treated improperly the first time.

I keep trying to tell myself that it’s only 4 weeks. And hopefully in 4 weeks, this will all be behind me for good and I can focus on recovery and regaining strength.

But that doesn’t disregard the fact that right now, at this moment, 4 weeks seems like a lifetime away.

On the plus side?

Maybe I’ll develop some insane upper body strength from carrying myself around on crutches….

So I ask all of you - if you’ve had an injury where you’ve had to be non-weight bearing, what kinds of things did you do (exercise related) at home to keep yourself moving and focused?