A Film In Images: Mother and Son

Posted on the 15 June 2012 by Tjatkinson @T_J_atkinson

I’ve just studied Aleksandr Sokurov’s 68-minute film Mother and Son, and I’ve been able to confirm something I’ve suspected ever since I first saw the movie: it is the most beautiful film ever made, in terms of visuals. There is no more beautiful film I’ve ever seen. Every single shot is like a wonderful oil painting: flat, but bursting with life. There is such emotion and power in every image in the film,  that selecting a few of them to highlight in this week’s A Film In Images post proved to be both a simple and difficult task. I could have very easily just taken screenshots of every single shot in the fairly short movie, but I had to restrain myself. The result is just under 20 images from this marvelous cinematic landmark. Whether you’ve seen the movie or not, have a look at them and tell me what you think in the comments:

Film: Mother and Son (1997)

Director: Aleksandr Sokurov

Cinematographer: Aleksei Fyodorov

Click on the images to see them enlarged: