A Few Updates On This Rainy Saturday

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Happy Saturday! It’s a rainy afternoon here in the Annapolis area. I’m a little disappointed in the weather because I was slated to watch my son’s high school golf match today, but the rain has postponed it. I’m very proud of him for making the golf team. He worked hard over this past year, practicing constantly, taking lessons, studying the game, and his hard work paid off. Way to go, Matt!

Rainy days are great days for catching up on work or doing something completely unexpected or pleasurable. As for me, I’ll be involved in the former for a while—I’m one Powerpoint away from completing my part of the Event Planning Textbook’s teacher edition that we’ve been working on over the past month. In a couple of hours, I hope to check that off my TO-DO list. My co-authors wrote all the test, quizzes, and prompts. We are on our way to proofing drafts and seeing this book in print very soon. Thanks to Kendall Hunt for publishing our work!

Also, I had time to update my cover and display the Honorable Mention Award Baseball Girl received from Readers’ Favorite. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s nice to receive a second nod from the folks at RF. I’ll keep working hard on the next book, and maybe I’ll squeak a silver or gold medal out of an upcoming project. It sure is fun to try.

Lastly, I just found out this week that I’ll be speaking in the Author’s Tent at the Baltimore Book Festival, which takes place at the Inner Harbor in the city. I’m so excited and honored to have this opportunity to talk about baseball, writing, publishing, and whatever else people want to know about being an independent author. Thank you to my friends at the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts for extending this welcome to me.

As Porky Pig always said, “That’s all folks.” Hope you have a wonderful weekend. You may even want to curl up with a good book. :-)