A Few Things You Should Know About Vintage Furniture

By Amelia White

Furniture pieces from the gone-by days of Britain seem to be more long-lasting & evergreen than the ones we use commonly in our residential and commercial premises nowadays. And no, we are not talking about articles from the recent past, rather the ones belonging to Victorian and Georgian eras. These products were designed to perfection, and had a unique & awe-inspiring visual appeal. Moreover, they were constructed using seasoned timber that can serve for decades without warping or deteriorating. Their finish can resist everything from regular wear & tear to cuts, marks and scratches.
If you happen to own British vintage furniture at home, you need to do a bit more than just considering yourself lucky. Given below are a handful of tips that can help you to understand its age & value as well as ensure proper maintenance:
Observe Conspicuous SignsSpecific signs present on antique or vintage furniture can help in estimating which era they belong to. For instance, if you feel sharp edges while brushing your fingers on the edge of your old furniture piece, it indicates a modern approach of designing. On the other hand, smooth or uneven surfaces would imply a craftsmanship of olden times. Screws of varying widths are also typical of antique pieces from the long past.
Determine AgeHere is a quick guide that can allow you to make a precise guess of your antique furniture’s age:
  • Non-uniform legs - medieval times
  • Snake feet - middle of the 18th century
  • Feet with semblance to elephant’s trunk - between 14th to 16th century
  • Top with shiny surface - middle of 19th century

Keep Away From Direct SunlightMake sure you do not place your vintage piece in any zone that receives direct sunlight everyday. Bathing in golden rays of the sun can quickly cause your old furniture to lose its natural tone and fade. Excessive exposure to sun may also wear off the polish.
Ensure Adequate HumidityLow humidity can damage a vintage piece of furniture in various ways - cracks in various places, shrinking of the wood, color fading and so on. Therefore, keep the article in a region with proper moisture. If that is not possible, then invest in an electronic hygrometer.
Opt For Restoration ServiceFind a good furniture business that provides antique furniture restoration service. Have your vintage piece repaired and refinished, in case its glow has got dampened over the years.Remember, knowing about and caring for an antique furniture is more of a big deal than owning it.