A Few Hours with Paris

By Littlefashionthoughts

On Wednesday I spent the day in Paris, the most beautiful city I have ever been in. I cannot justify how stunning Paris is, I never wanted to leave, there is so much to see and do and a few hours were just simply not enough.
We were there on a French Exchange via my college course, though there were only six from my course actually there. Nevertheless, it was one hell of an experience I will say that, I would have preferred the whole class to go, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I could talk for hours about everything that happened but that wouldn't be interesting.
I have a list so long of my favorite things in Paris, but I'll keep it short, I really loved seeing the Notre Dame, I was quite excited for it, I did really want to sing 'God Help the Outcasts' from Hunchback of Notre Dame while inside though I managed to restrain myself. Outside the Notre Dame was something I was dying to see was the Point Zero of France, purely because in the book Anna and the French Kiss they wish on it repeatedly and it's such a big subject in the book. The Eiffel Tower was something we all wish we could have gone up but of course fitting it in to the day was just impossible. While everyone was amazed by the Eiffel Tower I think I was slightly more excited about the bridge from Inception as when we were on it it's all I kept talking about. There was one place where I was dying to go, one place that is on my bucket list which unfortunately we couldn't find and didn't have the opportunity to find, and that was the bookshop Shakespeare and Company, one day I will stand in that place.