A Feminist Lie: “He Can’t Get a Woman His Own Age, So He Goes for Teenage Girls”

Posted on the 24 June 2017 by Calvinthedog

Jason Voorhees: BEAUREGARD

My real-life experience has been that the males that seek out teenage girls are losers.

We’ve all known that 20 year old that had a 16 year old girlfriend.

He is without exception always the same: an underachiever, hanging around teenagers long after people his own age have gone to university or left home, he is undesirable in his own age range etc. etc.

First of all, who the Hell seeks out teenage girls? Most males between ages of 18-21 don’t much differentiate between teenage girls age 14-17 and grown women age 18+. Most guys that age just think they are all the same. I knew many, many people when  I was that age, and I never met one  young man who deliberately sought out teenage girls. All I saw were teenage girls chasing the man that age. I never saw any of the other way around. I think this whole thing about the young man who preys on teenage girls because he can’t get a woman is a great big fat lie. Some of  you claim to have met such people, but I have never met one in my life.

This has NOT been my experience. Between the ages of 18-20, all of us, and I mean all of us were hanging around with people our own age and some underage people.

On the contrary, the only guys I knew aged 18-21 who dated teenage girls were pretty much the studs, the Alphas. These guys were womanizers, playboys, players. Most were quite promiscuous. They were often very good-looking, and they had incredible Game. They walked into a room, and every sexually mature female in the room would look up and look right in his eyes. Those were the guys that all the women that age wanted and the teenage girls were no different. If anything, they were even more picky because they were very status-oriented.

The JB’s saw these men cleaning up with women, and that’s what attracted them in the first place. Women want the men all the other women want. Girls are no different. Teenage girls are just little women. Sexually, they think almost exactly like a grown woman, not much different at all. What a woman wants, a girl wants. They’re all females and they all want the same thing.

The jailbaits made a beeline straight for the Alphas. It seemed like that was all they were interested. And all of the Alphas in that age bracket were screwing Jailbaits without exception.

Even from age 21-23, I was still hanging around teenagers somewhat because I had younger brothers. But I had given up on those girls.

JB’s are just like any women. They only want the best. They are not that picky about boys their age, but when it comes to adult males, they get a lot more selective. And the older the man is, the more selective they are. As men get older, JB’s don’t just want the best, they want the best of the best. Look at how many JB’s hooked up with famous writers, rock stars, billionaires, movie stars, movie directors. Those are the sort of older men JB’s go after. They aim straight for the top.

I never run into this “loser who can’t get women his own age so he goes for teenage girls.” It strikes me as a bunch of crap. Anyway, no one is as selective as JB’s. Even if it were legal, getting a 16-17 yr old girl would be nearly impossible for me. I’m just too old for them and the only guy my age they would go for would be way out of my league. The only man my age who could get a girl that young would have to be a huge Alpha. Because that’s all those JB’s want. It’s Alphas or nothing.

When it comes to me, teenage girls want the best.