A Fabulously Colourful Wedding at the Hunsbury Hill Centre

By Claire

I’ve just been asked to share my thoughts on orig­i­nal wed­ding themes for a press inter­view, and I told the reporter the most stand­out wed­dings for me are all about personality.

Han­nah and Nathaniel are the per­fect exam­ple of that — as Hannah’s wed­ding report says, “we decided that we didn’t want a theme. It was impor­tant to us that our guests felt like the wed­ding was a true reflec­tion of “US” so we chose things that we liked” — and if you ask me, that’s the best way to plan a wedding.

The images of their day, sub­mit­ted by the lovely Northamp­ton wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Aaron Col­lett, will show just how glo­ri­ous their wed­ding day turned out to be.

Enjoy! xxx

Real wed­ding blog from the Huns­bury Hill Cen­tre, Northamp­ton

The bride and groom: Han­nah Inwood and Nathaniel Butler

Who pro­posed, and how?

Nathaniel pro­posed on our 11 year anniver­sary (we’ve been together since we were 15 and 16), which was 21st Decem­ber 2010. We live near Black­heath South– East Lon­don and dur­ing that par­tic­u­lar part of Decem­ber it had snowed quite heav­ily and we’d gone for a walk across the heath. Nathaniel stopped half way across the heath where it was quiet and very snowy and asked me to marry him!

Wed­ding venue: Huns­bury Hill Cen­tre Northampton

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Aaron Col­lett Photography

Han­nah wore a Pronovias wed­ding dress and Nathaniel wore a suit hired from Millers Suit hire in Northamp­ton.

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Relaxed and fun

The wed­ding cer­e­mony: St Andrew’s Chapel Northampton

Which wed­ding read­ings did you choose? 1 The Corinthi­ans Chap­ter 13

The wed­ding recep­tion: The Huns­bury Hill Cen­tre Northampton

What were your wed­ding day highlights?

Han­nah: See­ing Nathaniel for the first time walk­ing up the aisle and when Julian pro­nounced us hus­band and wife.

Nathaniel: Hav­ing every­one together to cel­e­brate our wedding.

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

Beau­ti­ful con­verted barn. Right from the start we decided that we didn’t want a theme. It was impor­tant to us that our guests felt like the wed­ding was a true reflec­tion of “US” so we chose things that we liked.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Han­nah: Nathaniel call­ing me his wife for the first time.

Nathaniel: The first glimpse of Hannah’s pro­file when she entered the church.

Wed­ding day advice:

Give your­self time! Take the week off before the wed­ding, not two days before!

Music and enter­tain­ment: … Our friends played for us and my 12 year old cousin did a DJ set! [Han­nah & Nathaniel: Your friend looks like the beau­ti­ful Emily Barker!]

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers: