a Dog Or a Child?

By Darlenedame

 cuba gets A LOT of attention at our house. i have found myself going out of my way to make sure she is comfortable. when ivory passed away, all i wanted was my dog. i couldn't wait to see her when i got home from the hospital. she helped curve my craving for taking care of something who depended on me. she was the reason i as able to get out of bed in the morning because she needed me to feed her and take her on a walk. on days when i just wanted to stay in bed, cuba would be there with me, cuddled in any of my nooks. tanner and i have talked about how we feel it was part of the plan to get cuba. some of you may roll your eyes and think "it's just a dog." but this dog is like my child. people told us we were shooting ourselves in the foot getting a puppy right before having a baby. that may have been true.. but since i don't have my baby, i'm SO happy to have my dog. there was a reason we got her when we did.    ^^i'm not the prettiest in the mornings, but cuba doesn't care ;)  ^^we have a faux fur rug in the office and cuba can make it look like it snowed in there. i somehow still find it funny.. even though she can be a stinker.  ^^tanner always holds her like this for some reason^^she loves to be warm  ^^you can't see the space heater she's lying in front of ^^she loves attention and to cuddle. i've never seen a cuddlier dog.  ^^well, she kind of demands for attention..  ^^and she will get attention in any way. i got up for two seconds and she was already in my spot. oh, and she's in heat.. that is our sad "diaper" we made when we ran our of her real diapers.  ^^as you can tell, cuba takes over my life. i tried to balance it out by getting a goldfish. so this is bieber.. but bieber died after 2 days.