A Different Kind of Educational Computer Game For Kids – Dolphy Games

By Elizabeth Comiskey @lazyhippiemama

*** My family received free products from Dolphy Games for the purposes of review but all of the opinions expressed are honest and my own.***

Dolphy games were a huge instant hit at our house!  We downloaded them onto the laptop (we had to use our HP. Dolphy Games will only work on a Mac if you have Windows Emulator, which I don’t) and both kids dug right in.

There were educational games – spelling, math and vocabulary as well as classical thinking games like checkers, puzzles and word scrambles.

What makes them stand out from the crowd is that the game uses your child’s name to instruct and praise him.  No matter how unique your child’s name may be, Dolphy can incorporate it into the game and it doesn’t sound weird or “robotic” like many electronic toys can.

Toddler-saurus Rex was absolutely over-the-moon delighted the first time the computer said, “Well done, T-Rex!”  In other games he would often get the wrong answer on purpose just to hear the funny noise it made. With Dolphy, he was motivated to master the skill because he loved the personalized praise.

Dolphy offers several products on their website but their main game package is said to be for children ages 4-10.  

Sweet Hippie Daughter is 9-years-old. Her language arts skills are above grade level, and she struggles a little with math.  She felt like the spelling parts were a little too easy but the math, set on the harder levels of multiplication and division were challenging.  Her favorite, by far, was checkers.  She came back to it again and again.

However, T-Rex is only 2 1/2 and he loved playing the easiest levels of some of the games: letter recognition and tic-tac-toe, especially.  The game we had made with his name, though, was the one designed for specifically for toddlers. The simplicity of it, with the bright colors and easy instructions were perfect for a little one just learning shapes, numbers, etc.  Having the game use his name was a very big deal to him!

If your pre-school or early elementary aged child loves to play on the computer and you’re looking for a way to practice their language and math skills I would absolutely recommend Dolphy games.  They will be having so much fun they’ll never realize that they are learning!  The inclusion of their name makes it a special thing, too.  It’s something just for them in a big world where I think, sometimes, kids feel left out of all the really cool stuff.

For more information about Dolphy and the great (and very reasonably priced) products they offer, head on over to their website.

Do your kids love learning on the computer or tablet?

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