A Destination Wedding Treat! Bring Me Sunshine…

By Claire

Lize and Adriaan’s gor­geous South African wedding

You thought I’d say this wed­ding would make you feel warm inside, didn’t you?! Well it might… have a peek at Lize and Adriaan’s gor­geous wed­ding in South Africa, with pho­tos by Anneli Mari­novich. This wed­ding first fea­tured on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case and I’ve been sav­ing it up for a rainy day to share with you here!

I’m teas­ing you with snip­pets of this beau­ti­ful wed­ding day: a dash of lens flare here, some romance and a stun­ning black and white shot to fin­ish. There are more — lots more — on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case: A Feast For The Eyes — wed­ding under the African sun

and more and more and more on Anneli Marinovich’s wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog: Lize and Adriaan’s roman­tic wed­ding (includ­ing a huge heart shape made of petals on the floor of the recep­tion venue — which is beau­ti­ful in its own right… you have to see!)