Description of prostitution in India
by Magneto
My first article talked a lot about sexual repression in India, and a lot of guys brought up the topic of prostitution and how easy it is to get in India, so I thought it worthwhile to explore this topic a bit further.
Actually, India isn’t as sexually repressed as you would think. Paid sex, prostitution, is incredibly easy to find, and the police don’t really care or try to stop it, so it’s pretty much tolerated. The number of prostitutes has doubled since 2006, so that means there may technically be up to 6 million prostitutes in India, thus making it the world’s largest prostitution market.
My personal position on prostitution is that it needs to be fully legalized NOW. Most women who work as prostitutes are not human trafficking victims, which is how feminist propaganda tries to paint them. No, most of them are voluntarily doing it because they make a ton of money. Let’s say you’re a woman and you can go to a normal job and make like 2,000 dollars a month. Now, you can simply charge 150 dollars per hour and if you have sex with 2 men a day, that is 300 dollars a day. 300 dollars times 30 is 9,000 dollars a month. So that is why many women engage in prostitution – because they can make a huge amount of money by simply opening their legs for a couple of hours a day. That’s a lot easier than slaving for 10 hours at some office, right?
So since the majority of women who engage in prostitution are doing it voluntarily, then we have no right to tell them that they cannot sell her body. Isn’t that the whole point of “My body, my choice”, which feminists are very fond of saying? And if it was legal, the small percentage who are human trafficking victims could get help from the police. Also making it legal would make the lives of prostitutes much safer because if they faced some problem, they could get legal help from the police, but since it is illegal, they cannot go to the police for help otherwise they will get arrested.
What about STD’s? Well, STD’s are a massive over-exaggeration.
For example, if you had unprotected sex with an AIDS infected woman, it would take 700 times of sexual intercourse to contract it from her. That is how rare it is. AIDS basically cannot be transmitted through heterosexual sex. Now if you use a condom? Then you have nothing to worry about at all.
What about Herpes? Well I read that 80% of people already have herpes anyway and it’s really not such a big thing, it just causes a rash outbreak every now and then, and that can be cured within 7 days with antibiotics and anti-fungal medication.
What about gonorrhea? Well, that can also be cleared up within 3 days with antibiotics.
So you see, the whole STD thing is mostly a huge exaggeration. I know guys who have been fucking prostitutes for decades, and they do not have any STD’s. There was also some study which showed that STD rates dropped after prostitution became legal. So that’s just another reason to legalize it.
The same study also showed that rapes dropped by 35% after prostitution became briefly legal in Rhode Island. Think about it. If men had an easy and cheap way to satisfy their sexual urges, there would be a lot less sexual assault, rape, and other crimes. There is no good reason to keep prostitution illegal except to satisfy the false morality of religious conservatives and feminists. But what right do we have to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex? Therefore, it’s time to legalize prostitution now.
So what exactly is the prostitution scene in India like? There’s basically four levels.
Lowest Level- Red light Districts:
The red light districts in India are absolutely disgusting, extremely dirty, overcrowded, and there is also a lot of crime. Don’t think it is anything like the red light districts in Amsterdam or Bangkok or anywhere else. India is an extremely dirty country, and the red light districts are no different. Indians don’t care enough about their own country to clean it up and have basic hygiene.
Anyway, you can get sex for 300 rupees which is 5 US dollars in these red light districts. The girls are all pretty decent, most of them are Chinese looking Indian women from the Northeast Indian states. Others are Nepali. And then you have some normal Indian women too. You pay her money and take her to a tiny stall where there is a bed, and it’s just really an unclean looking place. Also, the girls in these red light districts are actually human trafficking victims, so it’s best to avoid these places on moral grounds, as well.
Second Level- Small Brothels:
The next level is small-scale brothels. There are a lot of small-level brothels all over India, probably 100’s in each major city. It is usually a small apartment with two or three rooms and 4 or 5 girls waiting inside. Sex with them costs between 500 to 1,500 rupees, so that is around 10 to 25 US dollars. The girls are also pretty decent quality although nothing too hot though. You pay them the money, and go into a room and lock the door and enjoy. The girls here are all friendly, laid back, and are there voluntarily on their own accord. They can leave and go back to their hometown anytime they want. So there is no human trafficking at this level.
Third Level- Independent Escorts:
There are tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of Indian girls who are acting as independent escorts. Some of them are pretty good-looking, and some of them are super hot. An independent escort will cost you between 2,500 to 5,000 rupees so that means between 40 to 90 US dollars. You can choose to go to her place or invite her to a hotel, which will have to be a four star or above hotel because anything less than that, and the management will act like assholes and tell her that she cannot enter your room.
Upper class hotels don’t care who you bring in your room. All of these independent escorts are doing it of their own accord, no one is forcing them, and there is zero human trafficking at this level. Most of them are educated people, and a lot of them are college girls or airline stewardesses or some upper class kind of job. They do it because the money is super good.
Fourth level- massage parlors:
Massage parlors have become the new thing in India during the past 5 years, and there are now 500 massage parlors operating in each major city on average. This is definitely the cleanest method of prostitution in India. Most massage parlors are clean and have a very nice ambiance. You walk in, pay a counter charge which is usually 1,000 or 1,500 rupees, and then they usually allow you to select a girl. You then take her into a clean stall with the typical massage table in it, and most of the time there will be an attached shower and toilet in the stall. Then she will start massaging you and after a few minutes ask if you want extras. Then you get to negotiate but the average price is 500 rupees for a handjob, 1,000 rupees for a blowjob, and 2,000 rupees for full sex.
There are also African and Russian prostitutes available. They are all independents. An African girl will cost you around 2,500 rupees, and a Russian girl will cost you about 5,000 rupees. In India, the lighter the skin color of the girl, the higher she will charge. This is due to the fact that Indian men are obsessed with white skin and will pay more money for a lighter skinned woman.
Now is India a sex heaven for tourists, like Bangkok or Philippines or Amsterdam? No, and here is why. If you’re an Indian, you can go to all of these different places with little trouble at all. But if you are a White tourist, it can be very risky to go to these places alone because Indians will always try to scam and cheat White tourists. So unless you have a fetish for Indian women and know a few local Indian guys who you can trust and will help you locate all of these prostitute places, I would recommend against going to India for sex tourism.
India actually isn’t such a sexually repressed country after all due to the wide-scale availability of prostitution. But in terms of free sex, it is not very easy to get. The nightclub scene in India is a total joke. Generally there will be some stupid Hindi cinema music playing very loudly and the guys will be dancing with each other on one side of the room and the girls will be dancing with each other on the other side of the room. So don’t think you can just go to a nightclub and game an Indian girl and start making out with her publicly. You’d probably get beaten up by jealous Indian men.
Indian men are an extremely jealous bunch of guys and seem to have a serious inferiority complex towards White men. A few years ago Richard Gere was in India for some AIDS awareness charity event, and he kissed an Indian movie actress named Shilpa Shetty on stage. There was a huge outcry, the police put out an arrest warrant on him, and there was huge protests where Indians were burning Richard Gere’s pictures.
Indian men and Indian women kiss all the time in Indian movies, but God forbid if a White man does the same, all of these Beta male Indian guys will freak the hell out. Never mind that Indian men go to the West and try to hit on White women. So Indian men are the biggest bunch of hypocrites you will find in the world. They want to treat their own women like they are pure and then treat White women like they are a bunch of whores.
Basically the only way Indian men can get sex is by controlling their women. Otherwise if Indian women were given freedom and choice, they would choose White men any day of the week over an Indian man. And this is exactly what is happening with Indian women in the West. Most Indian women living in the West are choosing to marry White men nowadays.
And even in India, in the big cities, a lot of Indian girls are starting to want to marry a White guy. I talked to some of them and asked them, “Why do you want to marry a White guy?” and the typical reply was, “Because Indian men are liars and have a very bad nature. They just want to cheat you into having sex with them, and then they will run off”. So if you’re a White guy, it’s actually not that hard to get Indian girls to have one- night stands or casual sex with you. You just can’t be super open about it like you would in the West.