A Day To Ponder

By Joanigeltman @joanigeltman
Today I am sad, and mostly silent. So incomprehensible that a beautiful, perfect marathon Monday would turn into such a nightmare of loss, pain and fear. Being a Bostonian for my whole life, I have yearly memories of Marathon Monday picnics at Heartbreak Hill, and walks to Wellesley Center to cheer on the runners at Wellesley College
Last week my husband fell off a ladder, sustained serious injury and was hospitalized for 5 days. He is home now and doing great. Between his fall and the marathon bombing I am reminded of how life can change in an instant, with no time for "shoulda, couldas." Pay attention to the present, don't live in the past, or put all your hopes in the future will by my new mantra.
Be in the present for yourself and with your kids.