A Day In DC

By Gentrilee

Back when I had just arrived on the East Coast, I met up with one of my best friends in the entire world- Leslie, for a day in DC. First- I just need to say how incredibly grateful I am that she lives "close by"! It's been years since we've lived near each other and I couldn't be happier with how things have worked out in that aspect. I was spending the night at her house, so I packed my day bag and headed out the door. Of course, I forgot to pack my camera, but thank goodness for my phone.
hat- target (similar) // rings- vintage // necklace- the red envelope // bag- lulus

We met up for lunch then walked down to the United States Botanical Gardens, which were stunning! The theme was "Orchid Orchestra", and it did not disappoint. There were beautiful arrangements and flowers from all over the world.
I had a great time putting Leslie in ridiculous poses, just like the old days. I'm so happy to have someone who will oblige my sill requests, again.
I wouldn't sit there if I were you!
Next we headed to The Capitol to rest our feet. We enjoyed the sun and some people watching.
And of course, we took a hundred pictures, at least! We tried so hard to get some decent selfies of us together...
But it was that cloudy kind of bright, the kind where you can barely keep your eyes open. So most of our photos ended up a squinty mess, although it made for some great laughs!

We finally asked a nice bystander if he would mind snapping one for us. We told him that we would close our eyes and open them on three if he would just count for us. So we get ready, close our eyes, and wait... When nothing happens we open our eyes to see him handing back the phone... We had a nice new collection of us standing in front of the capitol with our eyes closed... We kindly re-explained what we meant and he was able to snap a great one. He then told us how lice is becoming an epidemic in schools because of all the kids taking selfies together, then he walked away... I guess we asked for it by making him retake the photo.
Next we headed down to The National Portrait Gallery. Along the way we stopped to admire the Newseum's display of that day's front page newspapers from around the country. Of course, I had to stop and catch up on what has been happening back in Utah. (why can't good news make the front page?!)
We spent a good two hours in The Portrait Gallery (but could have stayed all day) then headed to Shake Shack for some strawberry-chocolate shakes. This was my first time ever trying Shake Shack and it did not disappoint; yum!
We ended the day by seeing Divergent- which I loved, then we hit the sack as soon as was possible. We were definitely exhausted from our fun-filled day. I may have discouraged her from ever wanting to explore DC with me again as I made her walk the entire day instead of driving the car to a closer parking space... whoops... Goodness knows I love to walk!
The next morning Leslie made cinnamon french toast with coconut syrup and berries... Which was probably the best breakfast I've had in a long time; so delicious!
I had an absolute blast and loved every bit of our day. I had been craving a day like that- desperately and can't wait to do it again, soon! Until next time, DC!