A Crooked Somebody (2017) Movie Review

By Newguy

A Crooked Somebody – Movie Review

Director: Trevor White

Writer: Andrew Zilch (Screenplay)

Starring: Ed Harris, Amanda Crew, Joanne Froggatt, Clifton Collins Jr, Michael Mosely, Amy Madigan, Rich Sommer

Plot: An attention-seeking psychic is kidnapped and tries to use the situation to boost his popularity.

Runtime: 1 Hour 42 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: A Crooked Somebody starts as a traveling attention-seeking psychic Michael Vaughn (Sommer). Finds himself kidnapped by Nathan (Collins Jr.). Only to learn that he committed the murder of a missing man, wanting help to deal with involvement in it.

As Michael looks to survive, he talks Nathan into showing him the body was, turning this into a chance to make himself famous, unwittingly getting involved in a bigger problem in life to exposing psychics.

Thoughts on A Crooked Somebody

A Crooked Somebody is a crime thriller that looks to show a psychic trying to make a name for himself. Using the discovery of a murder victim that has the community working together in the past to support the surviving relative. The story will look to show how psychics can work, taking advantage of people for their own gain. While covering up some sort of murder will only make him one of the most wanted people in the same town.

Michael Vaughn will become a character we don’t like quickly, a conman that wants to help people even if not everything he does it correct. The performances are strong in the film, but if you are checking in for Ed Harris. He is in a supporting role, one that isn’t going to get as much scene time as we would want to see from him.

Final ThoughtsA Crooked Somebody is a thriller with plenty of edge, twists and turns.