a Cosy Friend (fox Scarf DIY)

By Nonibaumann

So in need of some new cosy accessories for fall I thought aboutsome new DIY here on the blog.And it was obvious that it this time had to be a fox scarf...those who know me already are maybe kind of used to my fox fondness. And of course the little girl like it too.
so if you are also looking for a a new cosy friend,around your neck, here you go:
( at least your kid will love it:)

1- precut 2 layers of fabric, each one around 160cm long2- cut both the edges into a peak shape3-  precut the face parts : 1 cut out triangle form, triangles   for the ears, and one for the nose, I used fluffy fleece material4- prepare the tale: a "rounded triangle5- fix the face parts with the sewing machine   then sew the scarf layers altogether, while sewing the tale   right side on right side, layer inside is also getting fixed   and leave a hole to turn it upside down, close the hole afterwards6- fix the button eyes

READY! Have fun !( and yes we were the scarf quite often...:)