A "contributory" Benefit is Still a Benefit.

Posted on the 25 March 2022 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

From The Daily Express:
'Pension is NOT a benefit!' Furious caller rages at Sunak on Jeremy Vine - 'I paid in'

THE ABANDONMENT of the triple lock this year has left many people in fury as their state pension is not keeping pace with inflation...

[Caller] Jean said: "I have a small company pension because I worked from leaving school at 15, but my pension is £189. As far as I'm concerned, it is not a benefit. It is something I have paid for. I have paid National Insurance contributions since I was 15, it is not a benefit.
"To be told that you're living on benefits and for the this man to stand there and say he has given work to hard working people. I'm sorry we were hard working people from the 1960s."

The comments section is a hoot. DGWGA explains it...
It is a benefit. No one has paid into anything. You may have paid tax, you may have paid national insurance but you have not paid into any fund. You just need to look at the only true measure of the government's finances, The Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) to appreciate that there is no fund, and indeed, there is no liability in the accounts for the perceived "accrued rights" which are estimated to be approximately £4 trillion. That is £4,000 billion.
Surprisingly, he or she hasn't been bombarded by haters calling them a Commie. Presumably cold facts and logic went straight over their heads.