A Contemporary Crucible Theatre Wedding in Sheffield

By Claire

Steve designed all of their wed­ding sta­tionery, and music choices for the cer­e­mony included The XX, Bon Iver and a read­ing from Pulp’s “Some­thing Changed” — because nat­u­rally this wed­ding had a sub­tle Sheffield theme.

It’s just divine — I know you’ll love this wed­ding blog as much as I do. Images are by won­der­ful Mark from Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy, and Han­nah and Steve have shared their wed­ding report with us all at the end of the page. Huge con­grat­u­la­tions to a stun­ning and styl­ish bride and groom, and thank you so much for shar­ing your wed­ding day on the blog!

Enjoy! Claire x

Han­nah and Steve — a styl­ish and stun­ning con­tem­po­rary Cru­cible the­atre wed­ding in Sheffield

The bride and groom:

Han­nah and Steve

Wed­ding venue:

Our recep­tion was at Mil­len­nium Gallery in Sheffield. The recep­tion was held at the Cru­cible The­atre Sheffield.

Wed­ding photographer:

Mark Tier­ney http://www.tierneyphotography.co.uk

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Con­tem­po­rary and fun with a loose Sheffield theme!

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

Steve is the artis­tic one. He designed and made all the invi­ta­tions and sta­tionery. He used a laser cut­ter to etch some coloured card to cre­ate a sim­ple and ele­gant aesthetic.

What did you both wear?

Han­nah wore an Alfred Angelo dress (style 1148). The shoes were Mar­i­lyn by the won­der­ful Rachel Simp­son. She also wore a lit­tle faux fur jacket from Coast bought sec­ond hand on gumtree. The hair comb and ban­deau veil were by Lily Bella. The neck­lace and bracelet were from The Real Effect Lon­don.

Steve and his best men hired gray lounge suits with match­ing waist­coats and navy blue ties from Ash­ley Rogers in Sheffield. He wore Paul Smith shoes (and socks!)

The brides­maids wore navy blue strap­less dresses from Coast. The nude shoes were from M&S. The flow­ers in their hair were made by Imogen’s Imag­i­na­tion

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Han­nah walked down the aisle to Intro by The XX. The cer­e­mony was a non-religious cer­e­mony. We were really pleased with the reg­is­trar from Sheffield Reg­istry Office. She man­aged to make the cer­e­mony feel very per­sonal and spe­cial. Music by Bon Iver accom­pa­nied the sign­ing of the reg­is­ter and we walked out to Ain’t no stop­pin’ us now by McFad­den and Whitehead.

Which read­ings did you choose?

A friend read the lyrics to Pulp’s Some­thing Changed by Jarvis Cocker. Hannah’s Mum read Union by Robert Ful­ghum (www.robertfulghum.com) and Steve’s par­ents read an edited ver­sion of Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr Seuss.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

The venues are both so fan­tas­tic they really didn’t need much styling. Steve is an archi­tect and we both felt too much dec­o­ra­tion could spoil the feel of the spaces. We had just one flower dis­play in Mil­len­nium Gallery that was also used for the top table in the Crucible.

We wanted to have a cou­ple of trees in the cer­e­mony venue with the aim of plant­ing them in the gar­den of a house we are build­ing. Unfor­tu­nately Feb­ru­ary is not the best time of year for trees but we had two cherry blos­soms that had a small amount of blos­som thanks to some lov­ing care by Lox­ley Nurs­eries. We were not sure how they would look but we put them in hes­s­ian sacks and they looked great.

The drinks recep­tion was in The Adel­phi Room in the Cru­cible over­look­ing the lovely Tudor Square. We used the Cru­cible foyer space for the remain­der of the day and it was bril­liant. We were allowed to choose the pho­tos on the wall from a selec­tion of their recent shows. We had sim­ple fish­bowl flower dis­plays on each table. The table names were addresses that we have lived at sep­a­rately and together in Sheffield.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We hired The QP ceilidh band. We had heard them before at a wed­ding and thought they were amaz­ing. They didn’t dis­ap­point and pro­vided us with incred­i­bly ener­getic live music. Both ceilidh vet­er­ans and novices alike seemed to share our opin­ion. The evening was rounded off with an awe­some DJ set from a friend.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The whole day was fan­tas­tic and to pick out the best bits is impos­si­ble. Spend­ing the whole day with almost all our fam­ily and friends was incredible.

  • Steve: In the build up to the wed­ding we had been wor­ried about the weather for a Feb­ru­ary wed­ding. Wak­ing up to clear blue skies with not a cloud in sight I knew we were going to be for a treat!
  • Han­nah: My amaz­ing brides­maids, hav­ing already had their hair done, run­ning into numer­ous shops to find some wire to mend my veil that we had cut in half because it was too long!
  • Han­nah: Walk­ing into the cer­e­mony room at Mil­len­nium Gallery and see­ing all our friends and fam­ily look­ing won­der­ful with Steve wait­ing for me at the other end.
  • Steve: Cry­ing with laugh­ter dur­ing the best men’s speech.
  • Both: Being allowed on stage in the Lyceum for pho­tographs min­utes before the open­ing night of The Full Monty!

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Enjoy every moment and if things don’t quite go to plan don’t worry-no one else will realise!
  • Spend time look­ing for a good pho­tog­ra­pher that you feel com­fort­able with and who appre­ci­ates the venues.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

We can thor­oughly rec­om­mend all of the sup­pli­ers below.