A Complete Guide to the Chicago Architecture Biennial

By Urbanmatter Chicago @UMatterChicago

Looking for this month’s big event? What if we told you that the big event was taking place from now until the beginning of next year?

Chicago has long been synonymous with outstanding architecture, and the Chicago Architecture Biennial aims to promote that even further by hosting over 200 (count ‘em, 200) public events from October 3rd until January 3rd. So what can you expect? The schedule includes performances, lectures, panel discussions, tours, film screenings, exhibitions, and workshops galore.

The Purpose

“The Biennial’s public programs will invite audiences to think about architecture in unexpected ways,” Biennial Co-Artistic Director Sarah Herda said. “The Biennial provides a platform for the public to engage in a dialog about what architecture means today and to interact with an amazing group of architects, artists, and designers from around the world.”

Basically, the Chicago Architecture Biennial is an invitation from esteemed architects everywhere to offer the public the chance to learn, ask questions, participate, and discover the current state of architecture and how it can help us shape our future.

The Highlights

There are currently over 40 “kiosks” that saturate Chicago’s lakefront shoreline. During the summer months, these kiosks offer food, drink, clothing, and rental equipment for beachgoers and passerbys. The Biennial is introducing seven new additions to the kiosk team, and they all look pretty damn cool. They’ll be displayed in Millennium Park for the duration of the event, and they’ll be moved to their respective places on the lakefront next year. Here are some pics:

The Schedule

With over 200 events across the city, it would take way too much space for us to post the entire event schedule on our page. What we can do is offer a link to the Chicago Architecture Biennial’s official calendar, which allows you to sort the events in a variety of ways.

The Locations

  • Millennium Park
  • Chicago Cultural Center
  • Water Tower Gallery
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • The Graham Foundation
  • Stony Island Arts Bank
  • Expo 72

The Video

Photo Credit: Chicago Architecture Biennial

Featured Image: Luca Andrisani