When I was in my twenties, I heard it said that there is a little jealousy within everybody. I highly disagree with that concept.
Those people who feel that way speak for themselves.
Everyone is not envious or jealous, I know this for a fact as I have never been the jealous type. If anything, I have always had others who were envious or jealous of me.
There are too many people in the world for this to apply to all. Everyone does not have a little jealousy within them.
Possibly most, or a great deal do in some way, but definitely not all.
Jealousy makes people crazy. Unhealthy Jealousy is indeed a sickness.
There are people in the world who can be sick without being jealous- and jealous without being sick. It all depends on the individual and the nature of the situation.
For the most part, when people are sick and jealous, they act out. People who are jealous do not want to hear good things about those who they are jealous of. They will either downplay one or make up lies about them for their own purpose and satisfaction.
Some do not want to see the people they are jealous of get ahead in life. They do the best they can to try to hold them back.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiration which is a completely different thing, or even a healthy jealousy that may motivate one to want to achieve higher for themselves or do better in whatever they want to improve on.
It is constructive to turn a potentially negative incentive into a positive manifestation.
When it concerns the extreme as we know envy and jealousy can result into murder. One killing another or completely destroying another over their discontentment and resentment for the quality of character- or material items they may possess.
Morbid jealousy has many definitions and it is definitely a form of mental illness.