A Collection of Food That Can Endanger Your Dog’s Life

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
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A lot of dog owners can’t resist giving their dogs a bit here and there of what they eat. Unfortunately, not all human foods are good for canines, some can even trigger allergic reactions that maybe life-threatening. To help you sort the good from the bad, here are 17 foods that MedicineNet.com concur dangerous for your dog’s health – a collection of food that can endanger your dog’s life.


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Avocado – contains “persin,” a substance that is harmless for humans but can be toxic to dogs.


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Beer – or any alcoholic drink for that matter can kill a dog.


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Onion and Garlic – can lead to anemia and/or poisoning.


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Coffee – caffeine, especially large quantities, can kill a dog through caffeine poisoning.

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