A Coalition Of Gangs

Posted on the 28 April 2013 by Jobsanger
It looks like Democrats, progressives, and a majority of Americans aren't the only ones with a very low opinion of the current Republican Party. Some long-standing Republicans share that negative view. David Stockman (pictured above), former Republican congressman and budget director for President Reagan, had some pretty negative words for the current Republican Party. He called it merely "a coalition of gangs", and went on to say:
"The Republican Party is not really a party. It doesn’t stand for anything except re-electing itself. The neocons are only oriented to an aggressive, imperialistic foreign policy of big defense establishment and suppression of our civil liberties. That’s bad.

"The tax cons want to just cut taxes — any time, any day — regardless of the fiscal situation.That has gone to an absurd length. The social cons, social policy people — the right-to-life issue and gay marriage and all of that — that’s irrelevant to governing a democracy in a free society.

"That’s basically the heart of the Republican Party. In that mix, how can you find anything that’s going to stand for conservative economics, fiscal rectitude, free markets, sound money? It’s not there.

"The Republican Party is basically irrelevant to the economic crisis that faces the country."
He also had some harsh words for Wall Street and corporations:

"When you have Wall Street and corporate leaders who don’t care about any principle except keeping the game going and stimulating it for one more quarter so they can report better earnings and get a pop in the stock and cash in their options, the corporate leadership in America today is basically sold out. They support everything."

I don't usually agree with much that Stockman says, but this time I think he hit the nail right on its head.