A Clue to Modern Black Behavior from Evolution

Posted on the 19 September 2018 by Calvinthedog

Negroids, the only African race with which most of us are familiar, developed only in the past 6-12,000 years in West Africa in the context or organized agriculture. They developed very strong bodies and high levels of aggression due to selection pressure in villages with a tribal chief-based system. The chief and his men often monopolized most of the women, leaving the rest of them with few women for themselves. In one tribe the other men were left with no women, and they engaged in homosexuality their whole lives.

The intense selection pressure resulted in the biggest and meanest men rising to the top and breeding with the most women. So they selected for sociopathy, narcissism, a womanizing mindset, cruelty and sadism, high levels of aggression, and very strong bodies.

If you look at Negroid men the world over, it’s pretty obvious that they have selected for these characteristics because they display them at higher levels than other races.

Black men have twice as likely to be psychopaths as Whites.

Personality tests have consistently shown higher levels of (healthy) narcissism in both Black man and women.

Both Black men and women have higher sex drives than Whites, and both Black men women have selected for extreme secondary sex characteristics such as large breasts and buttocks in the female and large penises in the male.