A Church Wedding and Reception at The Village Hotel, Warrington

By Claire

Lisa and Stewart’s War­ring­ton wed­ding day: part 1

Who pro­posed, and how?

Stew­art pro­posed at sun­set on the beach at Boa Vista, Cape Verde. We said we were going to watch the sun­set (as we try to do on every hol­i­day) so we got ready for the evening, grabbed a drink and wan­dered down to the beau­ti­ful golden beach.

We were watch­ing the sun set and Stew­art had planned to get down on one knee just as the sun set. How­ever, within 10 min­utes, the sun had dropped out of the sky behind a haze — not very inspiring!

Lisa turned to Stew­art and said “that wasn’t very good, let’s go and get a drink“, so quick as a flash, I said “actu­ally, the rea­son I wanted to come down here was……” then drop­ping to one knee, I asked if she would marry me. So we went from the dis­ap­point­ment of the sun­set to the excite­ment of our engage­ment. Def­i­nitely time for a drink now!!!!!

Wed­ding venue: St Lau­rence Church & The Vil­lage Hotel, Warrington

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Vick­er­staff Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style? 3 F’s – Friends, Fam­ily & Fun

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Religious

What read­ings did you choose? Corinthi­ans 1 to 13, Song of Songs

Mem­o­rable wed­ding moments:

Lisa wip­ing a tear from her eye dur­ing the vows and man­ag­ing to pop her con­tact lens out.

The hockey girls doing a guard of hon­our going in and com­ing out of the church. (Both Lisa and I play hockey for Run­corn HC and the Girls have made it a bit of a tra­di­tion to form a guard of hon­our for any of the girls get­ting married)

3 best men. (Why just have 1 best man?!)

What did you both wear?

Lisa – Mag­gie Sot­tero ‘Emily’ Dress (Cham­pagne Mist)

Stew­art – Suit from Pronup­tia, Chester

Lisa and Stewart’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

  • Pho­tog­ra­phers – Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy http://www.vickerstaffphotography.co.uk/
    Jamie and Tory are Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog spon­sors (and have become great friends of mine too!) — see their Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page to find out all about them, and Like them on Face­book too for exclu­sive pre­views, lat­est wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy and a chat! https://www.facebook.com/VickerstaffPhotographyCheshire
  • Cake – Cof­fee & Cakes, Frodsham
  • Cars – Cathe­dral Wed­ding Cars
  • Pronup­tia (Chester) for suit hire

Part two is com­ing up tomor­row with more beau­ti­fully crafted wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy from Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy, and every­thing you need to know about the Tac­ti­cal Nuclear Penguin…