A Christmas Story, the End. Or Is It?

By Ada
After painting six canvases, it did finally occur to me that the original request had only been for ornaments.  So unless you are decorating a Texas-sized tree, 10 inch tall stand ups are a bit big to be an ornament.  So finally I did paint what she actually asked for!

Kringle Belle Ornament"Bearing Gifts"4.5 x 6 on 18ct.Kringle Belle Ornament"Bearing Candy"4.5 x 6 on 18ct.

Kringle Belle Ornament"Bearing Ornaments"4.5 x 6 on 18ct.

So that's the end of the tale, right?  No, not yet!  There has been a hint that there will be a need for more Belles in the future, plus I've had a brand new request for some Kringle Beaus!  Back to work for me!