A Christmas Message

By Theutterblog @utterlywow

Well, would you Adam and Eve it?  It’s only ruddy Christmas Day tomorrow!

I hope everyone has lovely things planned.  It’s mine and Paul’s EIGHTH Christmas as a couple but- believe it or not- the first one we will actually be spending together (both having divorced parents it can get quite complex over the festive period!).  We will wake up in the morning and do presents in bed before heading over to his Mum’s for midday.  We’re actually cooking the Christmas dinner there but having prepped the majority of the veg today it will hopefully be quite calm… until we have to plate up I expect! Although I did manage to completely annihilate one of my saucepans when I, erm, forgot about the red cabbage that I was cooking yesterday. Thankfully it still tastes pretty good! The bit that’s not stuck to the bottom of the pan anyway..

We had a beeeautiful little Christmas par’dy at ours on Saturday night. There was a bounty of food and drink, music that started off Christmassey and ended up  90′s dance classics, drinking games involving frozen vodka shots, and a Dirty Dancing-style lift that resulted in myself and the Christmas tree in a tangled mess on the floor. Yep, we partied hard and I’m still suffering today.

The rest of the week will consist of family visits, stuffing my face before The Wedding Diet begins and doing not very much at all, before heading to a barn in the Cotswolds for an epic New Years Eve with 20 of my University friends.  So this is sort of me signing off for the rest of the year, I suppose! Although I do feel a tad fraudulent saying that seeing as I’m only managing about one post a week at the moment…

To all my readers both regular and occasional, I wish you a very merry, decadent and delightful week of Christmas cheer and will see you on the other side. There’s so much more to come on The Utter Blog in 2013 as I count down the final few months  of wedding planning, as well as tackling other peoples’ weddings with the launch of Utterly Wow.

I’m excited.

White chocolate cheesecake. Recipe here!

A party isn’t complete without disco lights.

Champagne and pomegranate punch. (Except I was cheap and used Cava instead…)

Have a wonderful week y’all!

Sama xxx