A Christmas Hope by Anne Perry

By Gpangel @gpangel1

A Christmas Hope by Anne Perry is a November 2013 Random House/Ballantine Books publication.
In December 1868 Claudine Burroughs is attending a party when a scuffle breaks out. She had stepped out for air and saw a little of the incident.
A young street girl was injured and later dies as a result. Claudine believed the accused gentleman is innocent. She proceeds to investigate the matter much to her husband Wallace's chagrin. He would prefer she make contact with those in their social circles, and buy new gowns. But, Claudine is bored with those things.
The investigation leads to some rather uncomfortable revelations and no one is altogether pleased with Claudine. They would rather have an innocent man hanged, it seems.
The marriage between Claudine and Wallace is another motive for Claudine to pressure a witness that has a great deal to lose.
Overall this was solid historical Christmas Mystery. Claudine's personal situation with Wallace is a little sad. But, it appears she is resigned to her less than happy marriage and is determined to find her own peace.
Her satisfaction at seeing an innocent man released from prison and the hangman's noose, is the best Christmas gift she could receive.
Overall this one gets an A.