My favorite cheese, hands down, is Parmigiano-Reggiano. Before I started working at Murray's, I'd never had it before. Parmesan cheese was, in my experiences, the stuff in the green can that my mom used when making spaghetti. And I still use the green stuff in the can, let's face it, it's way more affordable! But, when you can, I beg you to try the real stuff. You'll notice the difference immediately & although you might have to, you won't want to go back to the imitation stuff. And a bonus, whenever you buy a piece of Parm, you'll also get a piece of the rind- save that guy & throw him into a broth the next time you make a soup or stew, it adds tons of flavor! You can freeze the rinds until you're ready to use them.
Everything about Parm fascinates me; the way it's made, the humongous wheels it comes in, and obviously how it tastes. There is nothing better in the world than a piece of Parmigiano-Reggiano from the center of a Parm wheel. It's spicy and peppery, a bit salty, and just melts in your mouth. This is what a cheese experience is supposed to be like!
Cutting into an 80 pound wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano is an experience in itself, as well! Working at Murray's, I had the opportunity to do this on several occasions. You almost feel like a surgeon, because it takes about six different instruments and saws to cut through the hard rind and get into the center of a wheel. It can also be a challenge for someone like me, who doesn't have much upper-body strength. It took me twice as long to cut open a wheel than it did for most of the guys I worked with, but hey, while I worked there I didn't have to go to a gym; I knew I'd be getting a workout thanks to my 'ol friend Parmigiano-Reggiano! (Really, it does work. My old boss Jona used to call it getting her "Parm Arms." So true!
Here is a photo of one of the wheels of Parm I cut, this is a quarter of a wheel that weighed about 80 pounds total:
If your grocery store doesn't have a specialty cheese section, it's really worth the time to try to find one! Some stores will have cheese already cut & cryovac-sealed, and these are still better options than the cheeses that you'll find in the processed-cheese aisle. However if you can find a specialty cheese shop like Murray's, which cuts from the wheel & wraps each piece by hand for you, that's the ticket! And don't be afraid to ask questions or ask to sample the cheeses while you're there; I've never met a cheesemonger who wasn't happy to help! And don't get me wrong, I'm not a cheese snob- I use the processed stuff, too. Sometimes it's more affordable. Sometimes it's just more convenient. But my point here is that cheese should be a treat, too. Sometimes it can really make or break a dish, & when you're looking for quality ingredients, cheese isn't one you should skimp on if you don't have to, I promise!