A Challenge to Show a Little Kindness....

By Richard Crooks @FindGodindivorc
HOLIDAYS ARE COMING—MAKE A DIFFERENCESo a friend of mine had me go look at something on his facebook page.  It was a note by a person who thanked him for helping her - he had sent her a copy of my books when she was having a rough time during her divorce journey.  This really made me feel good that these books were serving the purpose I hoped for when I wrote them. 

We are entering the holiday season again.  Halloween is just around the corner, and there are plenty of parents who will not be with their young children in costume at parties or trick-or-treating for the very first time.  There are some who will not see their children on Thanksgiving, and may have a hard time finding who they want to spend the day with for the first time in a very long time.  Some will be alone on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or will avoid New Year’s Eve parties because of that “midnight kiss” moment.  In other words, for a lot of people these will not be the joyous occasions they once were, but a time for tears and a sense of loss.  This sadness is not reserved for only those experiencing divorce...the death of someone special or a deployed spouse serving to protect the freedoms you and I enjoy ...  are also difficult times for individuals.  I want to challenge you now to start looking around you for these people, not just in your circle of friends, but also among the more casual acquaintances of your life, because you have the power to make those times just a little less lonely and a little less tearful.  There are greeting cards for every occasion, and even “Thinking of You” cards for no occasion at all.  Receiving a card from you, electronically or through snail mail, would be especially pleasing to someone experiencing loss for any reason.  In this day and age of electronic greetings, a real paper card with a handwritten note in the mailbox can be a pretty special treat!   On a day when your heart is heavy with sadness, receiving a plate of cookies or brownies tastes even sweeter, especially when you think nobody is noticing.   As the days get closer and closer, a person who is facing them alone for the very first time will find them just a little less troubling if they already know somebody has offered them a place to go.  I can tell you from personal experience that this very first holiday season alone is one you never forget, and the people who help make it better hold a special place in your heart forever!My divorce devotional books include in each of them a section specially dedicated to holidays, with encouragement and ideas to help face them get through this tough time.  And that is very sad, because for most of us this time of year is filled with special memories and joyous times from years gone by, but in the aftermath of divorce they can be dreaded and often the joy has been sapped away, taking a very long time to return.   It becomes one of the unintended consequences of divorce, and it is a difficult but natural part of life when a loved one passes away.  

You could even do as my friend did, and send them copies of my books (I would even personally inscribe them for your friend if you get them from our website!  www.findinggoddevotionals.com).  If you send someone the books, point them to that holiday section..they will appreciate it, I know.  Then maybe your facebook page will include words of appreciation from your friend, too.  And more importantly, if you do any of these things for that newly divorced person in their days of loneliness, you will never be forgotten for the kindness you have done.  I believe that God also makes a note that you did these things!