A Century in a Day

By Neuroamer @Neuroamer

I’m momentarily fascinated by the notion of copyrights and the public domain. The freedom of information and availabilty of it.

A quick google search brought me to The Robesonian from October 29th, 1920. It’s a small, sparse paper from Lumberton, North Carolina. Just four pages, the only images are in the ads.

1920 was an election year, and many of the headlines reflect this: Wilson Makes Appeal for League, Do The People Want a Change?, Vote for Income Tax ammendment.

But the lead story is a local tragedy:

Shot in Head with Air Rifle.

Thomas Johnson, Jr., Accidentally Shot himself Yesterday When He and Other Small Boys Were Playing–town Board Proposes to Prohibit Children Under 15 Shooting Air Rifles in Town

Thomas Jr., 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson, accidentally shot himself in the top of the head with an air rifle late yesterday afternoon. The shot–a large buckshot–entered the top of his head and lodged in his skull. The Johnson boy and a number of other boys about the same age were playing with air rifles near the fair ground when the rifle was discharged. Dr. H. M. Baker rendered medical attention and it is not thought the wound will prove serious.

As a result of the accident the town commissioners are planning to pass an ordinance prohibiting children under 15 years old from shooting air rifles in the town of Lumberton.

I was hoping to follow up and see if there was a later article written about such an ordinance being written, but even this article failed to show up in my search using the terms: robensonian and rifle.

Time travel has it’s limits.