A Case Study of the Collapse of US Liberalism: (((Media Matters)))

Posted on the 15 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

Almost all US liberal (really liberal Democrat) outlets need those damned parentheses around them. They’re cucked to Hell and back. They are not insurgents as the horrific propagandistic mind control apparatus called the (((US media))). Instead they are utterly complicit in the propaganda war themselves. One would think that all (((liberal Democratic))) outlets are employed by the CIA. Every time they open up their mouths, it’s just the voice of the CIA.

Check out this piece

Report Traces How The “Alt-Right” Spread Pro-Assad Propaganda.

I guess when it comes to (((hating Bashar Assad))) and (((supporting his worst enemies))), (((Americans))) are all in the same boat from Right to Left, with only the Far Left (Leftists like Counterpunch and Global Research) and the Far Right (Alt Right, even including the American Conservative and Ron Unz site) seem to be able to see through the gaseous fog of zero-visibility fog to reveal how much we are being lied to.

A report by the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab found that a claim that recent airstrikes in Syria were a “false flag” operation — an operation that either didn’t really occur or that were conducted by a party other than the Syrian government — which went viral among the “alt-right” actually originated with a Syrian propaganda outlet that supports the current regime and spread to a series of pro-Kremlin conspiracy websites and fake news purveyors before being promoted by “alt-right” figures including Infowars’ Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich.

I will discuss the despicable, vile US imperialist neoconservative (((NATO))) terrorists at the disgusting (((Atlantic Council))) later

Wow I never thought I would see the day when the worst McCarthyites and Cold Warriors were (((liberal Democrats))). But that’s how it is now.

  • Russia ate my homework.
  • Russia killed my dog.
  • I can’t get laid because of Russia.
  • Russia gave me cancer.
  • Russia is transmitting laser messages to my brain.

(((Liberal Democrats))) have now gone full McCarthyite in the worst way. The new line of (((liberal Democrats))): If I don’t like you, you are a Russian spy. And especially:

If you tell the truth about any of the endless false flags, fakeries, nonexistent events and just general straight up seven course meals of fake news, you must be a Russian spy. Go against the Deep State, and you have to be a Russian spy. The latest (((liberal Democrat))) outrage is that there is no such thing as the US Deep State (probably because they are all part of it!), and that everyone who believes in this is a propagandist for a man named PutinAssad.

What is truly pitiful is that if you really want to find out the truth nowadays, the best place to turn is the Russian media. The Russian media does not exactly have a reputation of being extremely honest. But the (((US media))) and general (((Western media))) lies have descended into such a vicious black hole of an abyss that as of right now, Russian media is an order of magnitude more hones than the US media or Western media. Wow! That’s bad. We’re worse liars than some of the biggest liars of all. Pitiful! America really is swirling the bowl right now. I’m not sure if we’re the turd or the water or both, all I know is we are going down the drain.

So MediaMatters, the great (((liberal Democratic))) site to show the rightwing bias of the (((media))), is quite similar to the (((media))) it attacks so much. So let’s just call them (((MediaMatters))) from now on and get it over with for Chrissake.

So these two entities hate each other and one front of the war is a site called (((MediaMatters))). Here are the two deadly enemies:

  • (((Rightwing “establishment” media)))
  • (((Liberal Democratic “opposition” media)))

I don’t get it. Why do they hate each other? What’s the difference? Someone clue me.