A Case for a Reboot: Indiana Jones

Posted on the 12 May 2014 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

I’m sure at this point some of you have may already be enraged by the title alone.  “Blasphemy!  For shame Darth Gandalf!  How could you possibly think about rebooting Indiana Jones???  Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones and there’s nothing else to discuss!”  Believe me your concerns are legitimate and honestly I believed the same thing for a long time.  But before you rip my heart out like Mola Ram just hear me out.  You can sacrifice me to Kali later.

A few months back “Latino Review” posted a rumor that Hollywood was actively working on rebooting Indiana Jones with Bradley Cooper in the lead role and Frank Darabont penning the script.  The rumor itself came about as a result of a different rumor stating that Harrison Ford would only do Star Wars if he could star in a fifth Indy film.  However, Ford’s unwillingness to sign without a script prompted Disney execs to float the idea of rebooting the franchise.  Darabont and producer Frank Marshall heatedly denied the rumors.  Marshall was very tongue in cheek about the whole issue posting on Twitter that the only thing he could confirm was that Katy Perry would not be in the next film.  Apparently we won’t hear her roar.  (Rimshot).

Whether there’s a single grain of truth behind the rumors or the whole thing is just agents’ wishful thinking is irrelevant.  The fact that the rumor would come up at all is in and of itself thought-provoking.  So the question remains:  should Indiana Jones  be rebooted?   I say yes, yes, and Hell yes.

“You say you have heartburn? I have a cure for that.”

My argument for this seemingly blasphemous idea contains five main points:


Everyone has various opinions on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, most of them negative.  I hated it the first time I watched it but since then I’ve actually grown to like it.  (It’s my third favorite behind Raiders  and Last Crusade with Oh My God Cate Capshaw Won’t Stop Screaming last ).  But whether you loved it or loathed it we can probably all agree that Harrison Ford was a little long in the tooth to play Indiana Jones.  When the movie was filming in 2007, Ford was 65 years old and while he certainly was believable and fit as a 58-year-old Indiana Jones, he wasn’t 100% believable as a badass.  Therein lies the issue.  Indiana Jones is both a scholar AND an adventurous daredevil.  Harrison Ford will be 72 years old in July and the prospect of him suiting up again provokes concerns.  I mean what’s the film going to be called? Indiana Jones and the Colostomy Bag of Terror?  If the adventures are going to continue it’s time for a new actor to step in.

He belongs in a museum!


George Lucas always referred to the artifact that Indiana Jones goes after as a McGuffin.  For the life of me I can’t understand why George Lucas has stated that it’s been hard to come up with an artifact for Indy to pursue.  Seriously?  I call bullshit.  There is a plethora of artifacts and places to explore.  Right off the top of my head here’s a few I can think of: The cross of Jesus supposedly lost during the Crusades, the Tomb of Genghis Khan, the Spear of Destiny that pierced the side of Jesus at the crucifixion, the lost continent of Atlantis; the possibilities are endless.  Furthermore, they offer an opportunity to travel to different locales:  Asia, South American, Eastern Europe.  In my opinion the more exotic the better.


Steven Spielberg and George Lucas have publicly stated that the inspiration for the Indiana Jones films came from the adventure serials of the 1930s.  When people complain that Skull  didn’t have the same feel as the other three, it’s because the film was influenced by a different source.  Whereas the first three movies were influenced by the serials of the 1930s, Skull was inspired by the B-movie sci-fi films of the 1950s.  The various motifs pervade the film: Communism, flying saucers, and teen rebellion to name a few.

Although I understand where Lucas and Spielberg were coming from, in my opinion Indiana Jones works best if set in the two previous decades.  The era seems much less cynical and more hopeful, even in the shadows of WWII and The Great Depression.  And I’m sorry but I’ll take Nazis over Communists any day as villains.  To date we haven’t had an adventure set during WWII itself with Indy and I think the prospect is intriguing.

Having said this, this part of my argument should be patently obvious.  Harrison Ford can no longer pass for a man in his late 30s and early 40s.  It needs to be a younger actor carrying the role.


For fifty years audiences have been treated to over twenty James Bond films with no less than six different actors playing the role.  Many fans consider Bond as sacred and iconic a character as Indiana Jones, if not more so.  Despite the fact that the villains have changed since the early 1960s, and various actors have slipped on the tuxedo and driven the Aston Martin, no one seems to bat an eye.  Why can’t Indiana Jones be the same way?  In my eyes the character is not a sacred cow and never has been.  Let someone else don the fedora and whip.  Let several someones!  If Star Wars films can continue ad infinitum, why not Indiana Jones?


I love Steven Spielberg.  You can make the case that he’s the best living director today.  (Although I prefer Martin Scorsese).  However, like an NFL coach who’s led a team for a decade, his words begin to ring hollow to his players.  The same situation applies here.  In many ways Steven Spielberg has become just as inseparable to the Indiana Jones franchise as Harrison Fod.  People can’t comprehend an Indiana Jones film without him directing.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  New blood is needed here and I think there are plenty of top-notch directors who could grab the reigns.  Could you imagine a David Fincher directed Indiana Jones or a Danny Boyle?  Just as long as it’s not Michael Bay.  Either way I think the franchise could use a change of pace and another director is warranted.

At this point you may be thinking, “Okay Darth, who would you choose to replace an icon?”  Glad you asked and my choice is…


To me this would be a perfect fit.  First off the man can act whether it’s the rugged Eomer from The Lord of the Rings trilogy or Leonard “Bones” McCoy from the Star Trek reboot.  Also he has the rugged, worldly look that Indiana Jones requires.  Urban could transition nicely between professor and gallivanting archaeologist.  Furthermore, he’s the right age to play the role.  In my opinion Indiana’s adventures should fall in the age range of thirty-two to forty-five.  (I know that’s kind of arbitrary but it’s just my opinion).  Urban will turn forty-two next month so he’s right in the age wheelhouse to play Indiana Jones.  (For a bit of perspective, Ford played the role from ages thirty-eight to forty-six with the original trilogy).  And lastly, Urban is an absolute badass.  All you need to do is watch 2012′s Dredd to realize that.

While many may dismiss my argument out of hand, either from an over attachment to childhood memories or fear of ruining the franchise is understandable.  As I always say when I’m writing film reviews or other articles, at the end of the day these are just opinions.  They aren’t Gospel.  This is simply a case for a reboot.

Whether or not the case ever goes to trial is another story.