A Bribe by Any Other Name ….

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

I’m telling you now, upfront and out there, that I happen to be more than ok with bribing your kids.

Why? Because, it usually works. When many other strategies fail.

Of course the abovementioned bribery can and does come in many guises … often we call this type of ploy a ‘reward’ or ‘incentive’ when being upbeat, and at other times it’s just a plain, old ‘threat’. Essentially, it is what it is.

No matter the label, there’s a very common denominator, I think you’ll find, and that is the underlying premise in each case follows a very simple pattern, and looks something like this …..  IF (blah, blah, blah) THEN (yada, yada, yada).

Do any of these scenarios sound remotely familiar???

IF you tidy your room, THEN you can go to Sally’s place ….

IF you have your bath now, THEN you can watch the telly ….

IF you wash the dishes, THEN I’ll stop nagging you ….. (well, if you’re lucky!)

Supervising Little Miss’ dinner tonight, I may have stumbled on my best bribe-material yet ….. and it worked an absolute treat!!! Better still I’m thinking it’ll keep on going strong for a good few months yet!

 IF you don’t eat all of your carrot, THEN I’m calling Santa to tell him  ….

Mean? Well, maybe!

Tears? A few!

Did she eat all of her carrot? Hell yes!

Now, I know you probably do it too …. so c’mon, hit me with your very best EVER bribe! I’m looking for some fresh ammo!

Linking up this Tuesday with Jess at IBOT! It’s esstentially awesome – so is Jess, I’ve met her, I’ve got the book – and you can find her and it here -  Essentially Jess!