A Boutique Lake District Wedding Fair at My Favourite Castle…

By Claire

A Lake Dis­trict wed­ding fair at Muncaster Cas­tle: 14th Octo­ber 2012

The wed­ding fair will be in the cas­tle guard room, and draw­ing room — it’s all very ancient and fas­ci­nat­ing: a mag­nif­i­cent venue inside and out. The Pen­ning­ton fam­ily live in the cas­tle itself and are very much involved in the daily run­ning of this spec­tac­u­lar wed­ding venue.

Do come and visit the wed­ding fair at Muncaster if you can! It’s a gor­geous drive from any­where in the Lake Dis­trict down the coast road to Raven­glass — an hour or so from Carlisle and just a cou­ple of hours from Man­ches­ter. Once you’ve had your lovely Sun­day drive, you can pop into the cas­tle for a chat with the wed­ding sup­pli­ers inside, and visit the owl cen­tre and sta­b­le­yard cafe… what could be lovelier?!

Muncaster castle lake district wedding by Freerimages

A real wed­ding at Muncaster Cas­tle by freerimages.co.uk

Muncaster’s is a bou­tique Lake Dis­trict wed­ding fair with a friendly atmos­phere and a net­work of local wed­ding sup­pli­ers — from Gras­mere gin­ger­bread to owls and archery! Intrigued? Me too… I’ve been promised there won’t be any fly­ing arrows in the cas­tle, but I’m hop­ing there’ll be a lovely smell of gin­ger­bread… yum!

To the best of my knowl­edge, the wed­ding sup­pli­ers who’ll be there include five wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers, a cal­lig­ra­pher, a wed­ding cake designer, a wed­ding florist, hair and make up artists, a string quar­tet and harpist as well as Gras­mere gin­ger­bread, archery and the World Owl Centre.

Def­i­nitely rec­om­mended… see you there?!

Details of the wed­ding fair on Muncaster’s website

and on Muncaster’s face­book page