A "Blue Wave" Could Make 2018 The Year Of The Woman

Posted on the 07 April 2018 by Jobsanger

Currently, women hold only 105 seats out of the 535 seats in the United States Congress. Women make up a light majority of the U.S. population, but have only 19.6% representation in Congress. That is a shameful statistic.
But it could be changing. This year there are 309 women running for Congress, and since many states have not closed their filing period, that number could grow even larger. And most of those women running for Congress are Democrats. The number of Republican women running for office has dropped steadily since 2010, but the number of Democratic women running is larger than ever before.
It's been a long hard fight to kill the American patriarchy, but a "blue wave" this November could represent a giant step toward that -- and that would be a very good thing!