A Blade Against My Throat – Men Suffer Domestic Violence Too

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

I was involved with this girl, things were never great when we lived in Hampshire. We used to share the chores as we both worked.
I got the bathroom, everything had to be bleached. Without exception.

One time I didn’t do it properly and she threatened to put bleach in my tea if I didn’t use it. Stupidly I tested her, my mug stank of bleach, despite my strong coffee.

If I didn’t get the correct rice or flour from the Asian shop she would throw the bags at me then have to clean up her mess.

The physical violence started when I got whacked with the frying pan and to this day I couldn’t remember what happened.

I went for a job interview, I was talking to her about the day etc. I walked away, I was in my suit, she yanked me down from behind and started punching, slapping and kicking me. I never took the job.

I was asleep one time on our new sofas, I didn’t realize the time, it was the early hours, I was woken by being dragged by my hair and kicked, apparently sofas aren’t for sleeping on. I slept on the floor. I felt like a dog.

When we were splitting up she used to attack my in the spare room where I slept. On 3 occasions I woke with a blade pressed against my throat.

I was told not to leave her for fear of bringing disgrace on the family.

I left eventually when a plate was smashed over my head, because I didn’t want dinner.

I have trust issues, I’m scared I end up being violent or being hurt again.

This blog post is written anonymously by a man who has suffered domestic violence at the hands of the women he loved. If you can relate to this post and would like the chance to share your own experience, then please contact me.