A Bit... Twilight Obsessed

Posted on the 18 December 2011 by Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson

I don't know what it is about the Twilight series and movie franchise. Stephanie Meyer really got everyone hooked. It's like a drug... and I have to admit I have become a recent addict.
After watching Breaking Dawn Part 1 in theatres, I was intrigued to know what part 2 would be about. Unlike a lot of people who have seen the movies, I have never read the books prior to watching any of the movies. ( A choice I really regret now). I have finished Book 1 ( Twilight). I am now on book 2 ( New Moon).
My friend from work let me borrow all the books, and she made me aware that I will love the books more. She is absolutely right! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the movies, but nothing tells a story better in more detail, than just plain reading a book. That's why I regret not reading the books first. I tend to visualize the scenes in my head as I read, so now it kinda throw things off. When I read the first book, I found myself relating to the movie. Ugh.. Edward seems more "angelic" to me in the books, a quality you don't quite see in the movies.
Anyway... while reading my New Moon, I was thinking about the movie and knowing that Stephanie Meyer will not be continuing the Twilight Saga after Breaking Dawn, it left me with sadness. I'm pretty sure most of you have already seen the movie, or read the books already, so I will do a bit of a spoiler now ...
It saddens me to see that we are left wondering what will happen with Jacob and Renesmee.
I looked around on itunes, and found a fan fiction that appealed to me. I downloaded the book ( it was free) yesterday, and read it today. OMG... If you are into the Twilight series, you will definitely want to read this story. It's about 496 pages. I could not put my phone down ( I downloaded it to my iBooks app on my iPhone).

The book is called First Light. It follows Renesmee, Jacob and the whole Cullen clan 3 years after Breaking Dawn. The author's name is Jean Rush. I truly hope Stephanie Meyer has read this book, and has acknowledge Ms. Rush. She has done an extremely AWESOME job in continuing the legacy. ( In my eyes anyway). She has gotten a lot of backlash because of the ending of her book, but I feel she made it more "real" with the ending she chose. When you read this book, you will feel the love still there with Bella and Edward, you will laugh a bit, & if you have a heart, you will cry. I tear up just thinking about it now.
So if Ms. Rush ever reads this post, please know this.. I truly believe you will go far. You have truly made my day writing this story and I will read it over and over. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Sorry for the long post darlings, but I just wanted to share with my fellow Twilight fans this awesome book.