A Big Reason To Listen ...

Posted on the 17 September 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
Paul Orwell, A man who seems to be just a tweet away, has come up with a sensational new single that has really caught us by surprise. Honestly, most of the people who crop up without much warning are pretty amateurish and terrible, but this '60's-esque vibe, mixed beautifully with the likes of Jake Bugg, is something we really consider to be top-end.
Within seconds of the song playing, someone along with us (bear in mind he is much younger), asked if we were playing The Beatles ... and this is the sort of thing we mean. There is a definite essence of The Beatles throughout this sensational single. The music is very psychedelic, which most definitely plays on the vocal, which has been so pumped with effects that you can't really tell how he sings ... though, if you could, we presume it sounds something along the lines of Jake Bugg.
There's also something about this that comes across like Best Coast or Wavves. They're two that are often linked by the Surf Pop genre and, although this wouldn't necessarily be considered in that genre, there's something about it all which most certainly fits with them ... although this may, somehow, be considered a little more commercially viable. Either way, we love it.
There's a cheerfulness to this song, which is very unlike a lot of this genre recently, which means that there's almost certainly a space awaiting a name in the industry for it. We believe Paul Orwell should be that name, and have found ourselves wondering why we've not heard this before.
It's obviously early days yet with Paul Orwell as he has only recently been able to record two songs and chuck them on Soundcloud, but we're very excited about this man and wonder when his big break will come (not if, when).