A Better Explanation for Las Vegas Shooters is Demon Possession

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

This post is in response to Traildust’s “MKUltra’s latest children?

On June 8, 2014, the Millers shot and killed two Las Vegas police officers, Igor Soldo and Alyn Beck, at a pizza restaurant, draping one of the victims with a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, a swastika, and a note that said “The revolution has begun.”

The couple then fled inside a Walmart, where Amanda Miller shot and killed customer Joseph Wilcox as Wilcox, who carried a gun, moved to confront Jarad.

Jerad was killed by a police rifle; Amanda turned her gun on herself and committed suicide.

Jerad and Amanda Miller dressed up as the demonic Joker, posted on Facebook

Writing for HenryMakow.com, Michael Hoffman proposes that, instead of the media characterization of the Millers as “white supremacists” and Tea Party “Constitutionalists,” a more accurate label for Jarad and Amanda Miller should be demon-possessed Satanists.

Hoffman writes: “These days Americans have trouble calling anything by its correct name. Consequently, we cannot proceed to a true comprehension of the evils which have befallen our nation and the remedies that must be implemented for the sake of the innocent.” That’s because “The religion of agnostic secularism admits of no demons.”

Hoffman continues:

“The alleged killers in Las Vegas of two policemen at a restaurant, and a bystander at a shopping center, are being variously described as ‘white supremacists,’ ‘Constitutionalists’ etc.

They may be all or none of those things, but they are most certainly demon-possessed individuals initiated into a devil cult by immersion in the soul-killing Hollywood movies and television and New York entertainment ‘culture’ that permeates the US like the fumo di Satana.

Examining their Facebook photos, we see that they have inculcated the Batman meme, which has been occult-saturated since the first 1989 film in the series, and which reached its apogee with the most notorious and soulless entry, ‘The Dark Night’, starring the late Heath Ledger, who died at age 28.

On July 20, 2012 James Holmes, a PhD. candidate in neurology, entered a theater in Aurora, Colorado that was screening the most recent Batman movie, ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ and slaughtered. 12 people. The two ‘Dark Night’ movies have grossed more than $2 billion.

The establishment media dubbed Holmes ‘the Dark Knight shooter’ and ‘the Joker.’ He appeared as a Joker in his first court appearance. His July 2012 massacre was embedded with occult significance (see Revisionist History newsletter no. 63, “Predictive programming and ritual stagecraft: The Batman movie shooting synchronicities“).

Prior to the attack by Holmes, the name ‘Aurora’ (i.e. the goddess of the dawn), showed up in the movie trailer for the Dr. John Dee (’007′) ‘Skyfall’ movie. The words ‘Sandy Hook’ appeared in ‘The Dark Night Rises’ Batman film prior to the school shootings at Sandy Hook.

In the case at hand, we have Jerad and Amanda Miller, the putative Las Vegas cop killers leaving behind unmistakable links to the Joker of the Batman genre. No extensive investigation was needed to elicit this clue. It was on Facebook for all the world to see.

The perps themselves revealed it in the Revelation of the Method, part of the pattern of self-revelation which the Cryptocracy permits and encourages in this time when Satan can walk openly and the American people don’t give a hoot.

If the Prince of Darkness were to turn off the lights during the Stanley Cup or the latest round of the NBA Finals however, then we might see some signs of revolt from the sheeple.

Otherwise, ever more frequent, ‘random’ mall and school massacres, and the media-dissolution of the souls of our children is not a major cause for concern, beyond proposing gun control legislation and more pharmaceutical medication for the ‘mentally ill.’

But when most of America might be mentally ill, then what? Beyond cases of depression and nervous exhaustion or shock, is not ‘mental illness’ often a euphemism for someone who is controlled by malevolent spiritual forces?

The New Testament was not lying when it gave accounts of Jesus Christ driving out demons. Are we supposed to believe that there are fewer demon-possessed persons now, than in the time of Christ?

How can this be when there have been millions of abortions in America? How can this be when a man who inserts his sexual organ in the rectum of another man is celebrated as a noble civil rights activist? [...]

Slender Man

Whatever the Las Vegas killers’ political affiliation may be — whether contrived by the System or genuine — these suicide shooters, like James Holmes, are first and foremost demon-possessed. These murderers worship Satan, whether under that name, or as ‘Joker’ or ‘Slender Man.’


The people they kill are a propitiation to the god of this world.

As Jerad Miller wrote, using what we believe to be a double entendre on his Facebook page hours before his alleged murder spree, ‘The dawn of a new day. May all of our coming sacrifices be worth it.’

As suicides, he and his wife were among those ‘sacrificed.’

The Satanic force manifesting as Slender Man may have inspired a wave of civic terrorism. Chronology of recent attacks beginning with the Slender man knifing:

  • May 31, 2014 Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, 12-year-old girls in Wisconsin, repeatedly stabbed and seriously wounded another 12-year-old, to propitiate Slender Man, an Internet meme.
  • June 4 Justin Bourque, 24, allegedly shot and killed three Royal Canadian Mounted Police and wounded two others in Canada. The suspect, dressed in fatigues and armed with a rifle, went on a rampage in Moncton, New Brunswick, authorities say.
  • June 6 a 19-year-old man was fatally shot and two other young people were wounded after accused gunman Aaron R. Ybarra, 26, entered Otto Miller Hall on the Seattle Pacific University in Washington state campus and opened fire.
  • June 8 the Millers wreaked their havoc in Las Vegas.
  • June 10: One student, Emilio Hoffman, 14, a freshman, was murdered by a suicide shooter at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon. ‘This shouldn’t happen in Troutdale,’ Max Maydew, grandfather to two Reynolds students, told The Oregonian. President Obama said, ‘This is becoming the norm.’

Is there an antidote to this state of evil, this ‘norm’? Certainly there is. Pray Psalm 94.”

-End of Hoffman’s article-

Psalm 94:I-IV: A Prayer For Deliverance

Lord, avenging God,
avenging God, shine forth!
Rise up, judge of the earth;
give the proud what they deserve.

How long, Lord, shall the wicked,
how long shall the wicked glory?
How long will they mouth haughty speeches,
go on boasting, all these evildoers?
they crush your people, Lord,
torment your very own.
They kill the widow and alien;
the fatherless they murder.
They say, “The Lord does not see;
the God of Jacob takes no notice.”

Understand, you stupid people!
You fools, when will you be wise?
Does the one who shaped the ear not hear?
The one who formed the eye not see?
Does the one who guides nations not rebuke?
The one who teaches humans not have knowledge?
The Lord does know human plans;
they are only puffs of air.

Happy those whom you guide, Lord,
whom you teach by your instruction.
You give them rest from evil days,
while a pit is being dug for the wicked.
You, Lord, will not forsake your people,
nor abandon your very own.
Judgment shall again be just,
and all the upright of heart will follow it.

H/t FOTM’s Mike and swampygirl
