A Beginner’s Guide to Building Muscle

By Menscience

When it comes to building muscle, strength training is what you need to do. While cardio is great for burning calories and fat, only weight training can help you increase muscle mass and strength. Unfortunately, a lot of guys want to pack on muscle but have no idea where to start. We’ve put together these guidelines to get you started.

1. Stick to basic exercises. Workout machines can be overwhelming for a beginner. Start out with basic movements like bicep curls, chest presses and bench dips before trying out complicated machines.

2. Try splitting your workouts up to target different muscles each day. For instance, do arms and shoulders one day then do chest and back the next. This gives muscles groups a chance to recover before a workout.

3.  Start by working out only twice a week if you’re not accustomed to regular exercise. Begin with 8-10 repetitions of 8 different exercises each day. To mix things up a little, you may even want to do a set to failure (when you can’t do any more of an exercise without breaking proper form).

4. After a few weeks, increase the amount of weight you lift if you want to build muscle mass or increase the amount of reps if you want to focus on muscle tone. Each time you feel ready to add weight, increase it by at least 5 pounds. A creatine supplement for men may help accelerate  your strength gains and allow you to significantly lift more weight.

5. Don’t neglect your diet. If you’re looking to gain size, you need to eat a surplus of calories. Try adding 500 daily calories to your intake – this will help you gain a pound of muscle to eat. Make sure these calories come from high-protein foods like chicken breast, lean meats, Greek yogurt and nuts. A whey protein shake is another convenient — and delicious — way you can boost your daily protein intake. Check out our MenScience Boot Camp for healthy nutrition tips.

6. Set realistic goals. You’re not going to become ripped overnight. Progress takes time, so savor the small goals on the way to your bigger goal. Maybe you have more energy, maybe you can lift more weights – enjoy these milestones.

7. Expect to be sore after a workout. When you first start a fitness plan, your muscles aren’t used to so much exertion. So if you feel sore the next day or so, don’t worry – it’s normal. You may be able to reduce muscle soreness after a workout by taking a post-workout supplement. Start to worry and consult a doctor if you notice any sudden pains, joint swelling or extended periods of pain (more than a few days). For more information on muscle soreness, read “How Sore is Too Sore to Work Out?“

8. Get a personal trainer if you can afford one. It’s a good way to stay accountable. Having a trainer can push you harder and help you stay motivated. A lack of motivation is one of the main reasons so many people fail at weight loss and muscle growth.

9. Stretch before and after a workout. Stretching for five minutes prior to your workout can boost flexibility and help prevent injury. Stretching after a workout can help reduce post-workout soreness.

10. Take a CLA supplement. Conjugated linoleic acid is a healthy fat that has been shown to bolster muscle mass when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. An anabolic formula is another supplement that may help you maximize muscle growth by providing your body with the nutritional building blocks for muscle mass.