A Beautiful Asian Wedding from the Arts and Conference Centre at Bolton School

By Claire

The images are by my friend and blog spon­sor the lovely Phil Drinkwa­ter. Phil is a wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher in Cheshire and Man­ches­ter, and I’d rec­om­mend him to any­one — he’s a lovely guy too. The pho­tog­ra­phy in today’s Asian wed­ding blog is just beau­ti­ful — as is today’s bride Divya.

My thanks to a gor­geous cou­ple for shar­ing such a glo­ri­ous wed­ding day on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog — and con­grat­u­la­tions! Thanks also to Phil for the sub­mis­sion. Find out more about Phil Drinkwa­ter on his stun­ning new web­site which was launched this month — www.phildweddingphotography.co.uk and enjoy today’s wed­ding blog! Claire x

An con­tem­po­rary Eng­lish wed­ding with an Asian twist! Divya and Dharmendra

Wed­ding venue:

Bolton School, Bolton.

Wed­ding photographer:

Phil Drinkwa­ter — www.phildweddingphotography.co.uk

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

We’d say con­tem­po­rary Eng­lish with an Asian twist. We had a pur­ple color scheme as its Divya’s favorite color.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Sim­ple civil cer­e­mony with a registrar.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

The venue was the Arts and Con­fer­ence Cen­tre at Bolton School. It’s a mod­ern build­ing with old archi­tec­tural fea­tures which give a nice touch of char­ac­ter. The main school build­ings are listed and pro­vided some really nice back­drops for the cou­ples photographs.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

The invi­ta­tions were a stan­dard design from Vistaprint but the seat­ing plans were done by us.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

The music dur­ing the cer­e­mony was a playlist cre­ated by Divya and the evening enter­tain­ment was pro­vided by Desi­Fu­sion.

What did you wear?

Bride: Dress was cus­tom made by Paaneri in Mum­bai, India using a design inspired by Arwen’s dress in Lord of the Rings. Shoes and jew­ellery were from Deben­hams (Debut and Jon Richard respectively).

Groom: A 3 piece mid-grey suit, with black shoes. The suit was off-the-shelf but from a Sav­ile Row tai­lor. The back of the waist­coat and the tie were both pur­ple which matched the color theme of the wedding.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • See­ing each other for the first time as Divya walked up the aisle.
  • Being pro­nounced as hus­band and wife.
  • The con­fetti outside.
  • The group photo.
  • Dhar­men­dra being lifted up by a friend and cousin towards the end of the night on the dancefloor.
  • And just gen­er­ally see­ing a lot of happy faces, espe­cially our grandmothers

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Relax and enjoy the day as it won’t hap­pen again and it will pass by very quickly.
  • Don’t drink too much alco­hol (that’s more from Dharmendra)!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Phil Drinkwa­ter Pho­tog­ra­phy — www.phildweddingphotography.co.uk
  • Cater­ing was pro­vided by Apna Khana from Brad­ford which went down really well with our guests, very tasty!
  • Chair cov­ers and uplight­ing were pro­vided by the venue, the rest of the dec­o­ra­tions were a DIY job.
  • DJ was amaz­ing as Desi­Fu­sion catered well for an audi­ence of Asians of dif­fer­ent generations.