BBC News reports that a surgeon in India discovered and successfully removed 12 gold bars weighing a total of 14 ounces from a man’s stomach.
Three Lessons Learned From This Story
1. This man is not in charge of hiding gold-foil covered chocolate Easter eggs. (because he is not very good at hiding stuff, and would probably hide gold bars in the gold foil, which is the first place thieves look.)
2. It’s a good thing Goldschlager never introduced a gold-bar filled bottle, not because it would be ridiculously expensive, or because some people may consume gold bars, but because getting the bars out of the bottle may require a surgeon, making the product even more expensive.
3. Who would have thought “gold bar” would have been a real life item that could have been put in the game “Operation” while “Butterflies In Stomach” would turn out to be total fiction?