My son went to his mother's at the beginning of this week for summer visitation. (Don't even get me started on the fact that she is supposed to get him every summer for two weeks, but has NEVER gotten him for more than one week.) I asked if she was going to help get any back to school supplies/clothes this year. She said she could a few things and asked what he needed. I told her if she could get a book bag, a pair of shoes, and two to three pairs of shorts, I would get EVERYTHING else.
He came back from visitation today. They had been to Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg. Now I certainly don't begrudge her taking him there. In fact, I took him to Busch Gardens and Water Country USA for our mini-vacation. The difference is I work two jobs, so I can do that and still provide for his necessities.
So of course when she dropped him off, she did not have one single thing she promised to get him. She indicated that she would get the stuff next time. Did I mention she already canceled the next visit? That means it would be a month into school before he got his school stuff, which I politely mentioned to her. Her response was "Well, can't he just wear what he's got on for a while? We didn't have time to go shopping."
Really? You had him for a whole week (my bad, I meant 6 days), and in all that time you couldn't stop by Wal-Mart and pick up a handful of things your kid needs for school?