9jagirl4real Answers: Relationship with a Yoruba Man?

By 9jagirl4real
NOTE: The name of the sender is hidden to protect the identity of sender… Question:
hey dear, i am a girl from  and now im having a relationship with one yoruba guy. he keep asking me to make a love with him should i go with it? because i am a muslim. but, im so afraid if i dont allow him to make a love with me, he will leave me.

i really need your advice. but, seriously he’s so charming but im so afraid if and only he is a scammers or prostitutes agent. what should i do? thank you.” 

9jagirl4real Answers:
Don’t give in!!
A guy who truly cares about you will wait.
Don’t allow any guy, Nigerian or not to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do.
If he is not willing to wait, let him go. There are great men out there!

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