9/11/01. I Remember.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
10 years later.   I remember like it was yesterday.  This is a repost from September 11, 2010.
I remember. I woke up listening to Howard Stern on my alarm clock and thinking "oh my god, is this for real..?" I got out of bed, turned on my television, and called my Mom. We just sat on the phone and listened to the newscasters...I remember saying "what the f**k is going on here?" Some of the newscasters were speechless, emotional. This is not typically something we see. For the next few minutes my Mom and I tried to make sense of what was happening. I remember "gasping" in horror as the second tower was hit. I am unsure at what point we got off the phone. I remember waking up my sister (whom I lived with at the time) to tell her what was going on. Confusion. Shock. I had to get ready for work. Yes, I did still had to go to work. Most of us arrived late due to the news coverage and our day ended shortly after in began. For the rest of the day I sat at home and watched the news coverage of this horrific event.
I remember. My soon-to-be ex-husband called. He asked if I was ok? I thought, hmmm..."did you sign the papers yet?" Yes, I was thinking this. And YES, I asked it. I called my Dad. Asked if he was ok and if my cousin, Judy, was. She is a flight attendant for American Airlines and flies in and out NY on a regular basis. She was not working...she had the day off. My Dad told me that several months ago he was in the Towers for a meeting.
I remember. Howard Stern. He did an absolutely phenomenal job reporting the events of the day.
I remember. The countless number of rescue personnel. The teamwork.
I remember. Lives saved. Lives lost.
Today, my thoughts and prayers are with those that lost their lives on this tragic day. And those whom were directly affected with the loss of a loved one. I pray those whom remain behind "remember" and have been able to move forward (psychologically and emotionally). I thank those who risked their life to save a life.
I hope those lost will always be remembered.
Where were you on September 11, 2001? Where were you when you heard the news? What do you remember?